Your actions have consequences. Here’s our simple summary of the 7 Chakras that covers what a Chakra is, and what the Chakra System is all about. Chakras are the focal point of reception and transmission of energies. Oggun is the personification of the third chakra. 5. We can also go a step further.  The Seven African Powers don’t only exist as a powerful hierarchy, but they rule over different domains of energy.  A great way to think about this is to watch television.  CNN is all about the news so you receive messages about news.  MTV is all about music, or now reality television shows, so you receive messages about music and reality television shows.  However, you can also tap into the power of the Orishas by tuning into their channels.  Yemaya has her own channel, she sends out messages of fertility and creation.  Oggun has his own channel, he sends out messages of strength and power. The Seven African Powers can represent the seven chakras that reside along the spine Chango represents the first chakra. Yemaya represents the second. Interestingly, each chakra is also associated with a particular element. Now that should be a good enough introduction to each of the seven main chakras. It governs digestion, personal power, expansiveness, and spiritual growth. Anahata, the Heart Chakra, governs circulation, unconditional love for the self and others, passion and devotion. S/he will arrange an altar with two white altar candles and a plain white cloth. You may sense the prana energy centers very lightly, very intensely, or not at all. That’s fine if you know its meaning; not so great, and I must say pretty confusing, if you don’t. Frequently Asked Questions About Lukumi (Santeria), The Ewe (Herbs) and Presiding Orisha Correspondence. They create a perfect setting for any religious function or rite and can also be used to home for its fragrance. Refine sense organs so the confusion and pain do not follow the seeking of temporary satisfaction 3. That means that they control feelings, … The heart chakra reminds us that love is an energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. Another one includes all 12 chakras inside the human body, positioning 5 additional energy centers in-between the commonly known 7 chakras. Chakras, meaning “wheels of light” in Sanskrit, are “wheels”, or vortexes of energy, throughout specific points in the body. 7. They act as a perfect companion d 8. Simple chakra exercises help you locate each chakra, assess it and potentially realign or rebalance it. The 7 Chakras And Where To Locate Them. Ruled by the invincible power of the sun, the space above your head is the most powerful chakra of your body that helps you understand, ideate, and implement solutions efficiently and easily. The Seven African Powers can represent the seven chakras that reside along the spine. The Power of Endurance, Sustenance. Your choices mirror But just go with the flow and soon, you’ll be a chakra pro. Although there are hundreds… All seven Orishas have their own channels, sending out different messages for different purposes. And while some individuals within these circles may have a comprehensive understanding of what the chakras are and how best to empower them, the majority of people have little to no understanding of the power the chakras possess. OBEAH AND ORISHA: The Seven African Powers. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Elevate the consciousness through fine arts and crafts 3rd (navel) Manipura Chakra (element fire): (Orisha) Oshun Goals: 1. The modern Western chakra system arose from multiple sources, starting in the 1880s, followed by Sir John Woodroffe's 1919 book The Serpent Power, and Charles W. Leadbeater's 1927 book The Chakras, which introduced the seven rainbow colours for the chakras. The seven African powers are spirits of the dead, these spirits were bought together through tribes that were brought to Cuba. The Aetherius Society’s spiritual healing technique is about bringing harmony and balance through the chakras (see below) into the aura, where it must, by the Divine law of nature, have its reflection in the physical body. 2. When you reach the top, you can see all the other rungs that you climbed to get there.  They work, much like a hierarchy, where a person becomes more powerful with every step.   The higher you climb up the ladder, the more you can see. Generally, the most common manifestation of Obeah found today, although maybe not practiced on an individual basis, is blended with Orisha-worship. Reviews of the 13 Best Chakra Books: As a Reiki practitioner, there’s a strong chance you have encountered "chakras" at some point in your study, practice, or even in your search for additional resources to expand your skillset. 4. 99. Inom hinduismen. Here is a link on ways to use 7 African Spiritual Water Some Understanding the 7 Chakra Colors “Every Chakra is associated with a different color to establish a connection between the mental and the physical state of the human body.” This video shows how to make the Powder of Power. 4. Such symbols help us to discover and intuitively feel in meditation, the various attributes of the Chakras. In holistic health and spiritual communities, the word “chakra” frequently graces conversation. 1st (root) Muladhara Chakra (element earth): (Orisha) Shango Goals: 1. The chakras. Find out which lucky zodiac stones and healing crystals correspond to each of the 7 chakras, the 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Recognize that using anger to control others leads to failure 2. ( Log Out /  Guard against vanity and false pride 4. 99 $15.99 $15.99. The spirits are unique and work as a guide for people's entire life. Chango represents the first chakra.  Yemaya represents the second.  Oggun is the personification of the third chakra.  Oshun represents the fourth chakra.  Obatala represents the fifth, and Orunmila represents the sixth.  The seventh chakra is the Ori and represents the highest level of consciousness.  The Orishas exists on different levels of consciousness or planes of existence.  Just like a ladder have seven rungs, with each one taking you a step higher. Five-chakra systems, six-chakra systems, seven, nine, ten, twelve, twenty-one and more chakras are taught, depending on what text and what lineage you’re looking at. ( Log Out /  Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. You will need to spend a lot of time healing your first chakra, as it affects the balance of the others. (Some folks like the white altar cloth to be adorned with a little lace.) Manipura, the solar plexus Chakra, ‘honors the life force’, the Ch’i. Each Chakra within the human body has a corresponding symbol, Mantra and colour, as well as a corresponding element, Lotus Blossom, animal and Divinity. The last 3 substances, gases, liquids, and solids, condense in three stages out of the ether. Subtle energies flow in and out of us through the chakras, also known as the psychic centres. There are two main fractions of Orisha, Spiritual Orisha and Baptist Orisha, both of which, on the surface, carry a very heavy Christian appearance, while Obeah is said to be … Relax tensions in order to reduce karma and worldly entanglement. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out /  If you could imagine chakras as circles of energy, flowing all the way through our body these circles of energy assist in the running of our body, mind and soul. Those are the 7 substances of the universe, all coming out of nothing, or the Mind of God. The Elements, Astrology, Tarot, & The Orisha That ... FRIDAY! These African tribes were forced into slavery. Before diving into the 7 chakras, let’s take a moment to tune into the body and feel the chakras at work.. For beginners, these chakra exercises may seem odd. The royal Leo born is associated with the seventh chakra known as the Crown Chakra. 7 African POwers Incense Sticks 8 sticks HEM incense sticks are handcrafted to diffuse a mesmerizing fragrance that lingers longer and leaves you spellbound with its purity. The Power of Love. FREE Shipping. — Written by Gretchen Stelter — … Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Paperback $8.99 $ 8. It is blocked by grief, which is a emotional state that we feel whenever we’ve experience a great loss. 7 African Powers Spiritual Water 7 oz. The Orishas also govern the energy centers of the body, also known as Chakras. Chakra Healing: A Beginner's Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras. ( Log Out /  The Chakra System & The Seven African Powers. Then, heal your remaining six chakras through things like meditation, sound therapy, exercise, and exposure to … The seven- (or, technically, 6 + 1) chakra system that Western yogis know about is just one of many, and it became dominant around the 15th century (see point #4 below). The Purpose 5 determined by the choices you make. Request Blessings and Aid From the Seven African Powers In order to request blessings and/or aid from the Seven African Powers, a person should purchase a seven day candle dedicated to them. 6 The Power of Creativity Change ). Depicted either like a wheel with spokes or a flower with petals, the bottom chakra starts with just four and the top chakra ends with one thousand petals. $78.99 $ 78. The Seven African Powers 1. Chakra (sanskrit: चक्र; ett eller, mindre vanligt, en chakra, flera chakran respektive chakror [1]) betyder "hjul" [2]), är ett begrepp inom hinduismen, tibetansk buddhism, vissa besläktade asiatiska kulturer, samt inom New Age-rörelsen. Not only do the Orishas of the Yoruba based religions govern the various forces of nature, they also govern various body organs and functions. 5. Often depicted with their images linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, these deities … 7. The seven most popular Orishas make up the Seven African Powers: Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Chango, Obatala, Oya, and Ogun. Your consequences are . Power is regain in rebirth when you accept all parts of you. The lower 3 Chakras —the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus—operate in the physical plane. Guard against polluting sensory organs though over-indulgence. Despite the numerous variations of 12 chakras configurations, it’s important to note that the most commonly referenced energy centers are two additional chakras above the crown and the Earth chakra (or chakra located below the root chakra … A Beginner's Guide to the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R.D., L.D. 4.6 out of 5 stars 21. 9. Some of the Orisha channels might come in blurry, with lots of fog or static.  These are the channels that you need to work on.  Others might come in crisp in clear.   Some people may decide to turn their televisions off, or to ignore one channel completely.  While others can decide to become priest or priestess and began to broadcast information on an Orisha channel.  So they are not just sending information but receiving it as well.  Energy systems are all about understanding your strengths and weaknesses.  It is also about getting energy to flow and move cohesively. Contrary to popular belief, the Seven Powers are not Orishas. Motivation is stimulated by the need for recognition, immortality, and power 5. 4. The mainstream chakra system is based on a Hindu chakra system that recognizes seven distinct “wheels” or “centers” of energy that are perpetually in motion along the human … If you want to try healing your chakras, start with the root chakra. Oshun represents the fourth chakra. Use, Spray, and/or Wear the Crusellas 7 African Powers Cologne to draw strength from the 7 mighty African Orishas. Be careful with this one! This can be used in any way you find fit, but its guaranteed to benefit any place, person, and situation. The Seven African Powers are the Chakras. Seventh Chakra. EAT, DRINK, DANCE, CELEBRATE A... Prayers (Orikis) To The Orisha of The Crossroads, ... My Own Personal Evolution, A Conversation With Dee... Yoruba Days of The Week and The Ruling Orisa (Orisha), The Seven Chakras and Their Corresponding Orishas. by Margarita Alcantara 4.8 out of 5 stars 9,455. We are all part of the Universe, literally speaking. Create a free website or blog at These symbolic images illustrate the qualities of each Chakra. The 7 Chakras are the energy centres in our body in … The 7 chakras are part of the most commonly known chakra system made of seven energy centers located along the spine and ending in the brain, from the perineum area to the top of the head. The Seven African Powers derive from the ancient African religion called Ifa. Obatala represents the fifth, and Orunmila represents the sixth. APRIL 19TH! Heart chakra: This chakra represents unconditional love for the self and others. If a chakra is not performing correctly, this could cause our physical health, mental health and our spiritual selves to suffer. ... 7 African Powers Siete Potencias Africanas Obatala Ochun Yemaya Elegua Chango Ogun Orula. However, learning about the 7 chakra colors and their meaning can help you clear your energy blocks and regain your optimal health and calmness. The 7 chakras symbols and associated elements can help you pick out representative objects for manifestation work or meditation. (Color: green). The saint's represent the dead spirits derived from African tribes. Meanings, colors, properties, powers, planets, elements and uses of healing gemstones according to Western, Indian and Chinese astrology. The 7 Major Chakras are divided into 3 categories: upper Chakras, lower Chakras, and the bridge. Reflect more on the consequences of actions 3.