Since may 2019, all its done is give me a small hit of euphoria for like an hour, then I get all anxious … i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 12 and prescribed adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) and it changed my life for the better. I generally hear two stories when people tell me they want to quit Adderall: Story #1: “My life was a mess before Adderall. They really tricked me this month … I follow thru on promises. After hearing my story, she told me that I have been living with severe adhd (now 35). Let me sum it up this way. Send thanks to … You’re recognizing what you don’t want. I was taking Ritalin then pharmacy changed brands from the yellow pills to blue and they didn't work anymore. For my entire life I refused to acknowledge or identify I had ADHD and did not realize how far-reaching the effects of the affliction had been on my life until I began treating the issue. I hope it will not backfire and end up with him in some dire situation, but right now taking Adderall is better than the alternative. It changed one afternoon on my therapist’s couch. I am so grateful to be … I see a nurse once a month to keep all my vitals recorded. I destroyed my health. Yes, my mouth has always been my biggest challenge and has caused me tremendous social/professional problems. My sister, diagnosed with adult ADD, is another story altogether. However, through many years of trying to turn my life around and failing, I ended up in the office of a wonderful psychiatrist. Why I Loved My Adderall High and Why I Had to Give it Up – When most people hear the word “amphetamine,” they usually ... words cannot express how much these two practices have changed my life for the better. And adderall ruined my life and relationships. About half of those people get the same results from either Adderall or Ritalin. In addition to addiction, a 2009 report in Scientific American suggests that long-term Be brutally honest with yourself, and write it down so you can see it on paper. College students tell nightmarish stories of addiction and loss of free will. I can maintain relationships . Within 1 day, my Entire outlook on Life changed for the better! Sparkle on beautiful people! I have been taking adderall xr for almost 3 years now. When it comes to risking life and wellbeing, it just isn’t worth the … But for the other half, one drug works better than the other. It changed my life for the better. Richard Fee was on a path to success and seemed to have great potential. i haven't . There’s no F’ing way I’m going back to what, basically, amounted to a non-existant life. I was prescribed adderall and it has changed my life: I have energy and im not lethargic. Psychiatrist: Or neurologist. I began Adderall again. Only THIS time, my Narcissistic Estranged Husband sent a letter to my Doctor … Dr. Christine Hom answered. I am 19 and June 20th, 2012 was the first day I have ever taken medication for my ADD. Instead, what mattered, what … They have done more for me than pills ever … My social "retardation" has subsided and can pick up social cues. Personal transformation takes time, subscribe now and let's grow together! Here, a few (sometimes difficult) signs that your life is actually changing for the better, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Adderall can help you feel more energized, focused, motivated, and productive. With modafinil, there's very little crash. My point was that not only does adderall help complete daily tasks, it has helped me feel so much better about myself because everything I do is better. Back then I was just a little girl with chubby knees waiting for my … That’s the end of the story though. Like it stopped producing any concentration benefits or motivation or anything. It had an instant effect in ways I did not anticipate. Adderal has changed my life dramatically (for the positive) I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with ADD 1 year ago, since then I have been able to rationalize and organize my thoughts so much better. It is time to stop living in the gutter and … Answered on Oct 21, 2015. You sound like me Allie, I could really relate, I’m on low dose Adderall right now, but am building a tolerance for it. Let’s start at the beginning. The Real Problem with Adderall. I have never been so optimistic. Brandon Woelfel. My experience (though I am unsure) on Adderall XR vs. Concerta would likely be fairly similar. I take 20 MG's. A first diagnosis, and then a second. With such neurological improvements provided by the … One month on Adderall. My stupid impulsiveness is gone. Quickly, my Adderall hours became the most precious hours of my life, far too precious for the Absolute Quiet Room. My life has changed.