The vast majority of games they talk about being cheaper I have no interest in, oh great, miserable bobbing gun kill everything game is cheaper and better on the PS4. it had a horrendous and dismal launch, and stunk pretty hard for it's first 2-3 years...The Wii U as much hate as it gets was the light at the end of the murky tunnel during those times. Phantasy star online 2! The port of virtua racing left me gagging for more sega goodness! Was ist ARK: Survival Evolved? @electrolite77 Hey man, you’re becoming the equivalent of a stalker at this point. That’s why Handhelds have been selling so well for thirty years. However until you get your head around that, you will continue to be confused, and probably mocked. And very good, you’re hanging on to life choices, you want a cookie or something? So glad you didn't leave off DQXI, one of the finest games I've played in many years! Perfect is Boring sometimes. @kingbk @electrolite77 I'm not judging your life choices, I'm sarcastically saying that I think you're lazy, pretty plain and simple. If you look up about 10 to 15 comments you will see it got added along with Grid being updated. Diablo 3 is class, perfect game to play on the go because you don't need to pay attention to story and the game is tailor made for quick 20 minute bursts and it's always a rock solid 60fps. I think Grid is top notch and really like the grafx tuning options. if it weren't for the visuals, it could easily pass for a PS2 game. Plus the maps were boring and there wasn't much interaction with the levels. @electrolite77 Honestly, if playing something at home on a PC or console is inconvenient, you may need to make better life choices! Grab, play, throw it to the side. Really? Steam PixARK Patch 1.90 St. Patrick's Day Update. Mind you, the same people probably dont notice at as much because they're playing on LCD HDTV's that have a lot of motion blur, which basically blends in some what and hides the effect. Shadow, le 30 novembre 2018 Having these games available and playable anywhere is worth the graphical hit. Lots of great additions here from commenters. But the reason I prefer Switch is due to three spinal injuries, and needing to hold my arms in a fixed position hurts like hell after awhile. Everything else, even with graphical and FPS downgrades I still find fun. Lost Ark is an upcoming MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that offers a non-target action combat system, quarter-view angle isometric point-of-view and stunning 3D graphics. [SPOIL], Discord d'entraide et recrutement pour tous, je cherche des joueurs pour commencer en small, Bug de luminosité sur les objets des mods, FR/EU-PVPX5-Abberation-La-Communaute+AntiRaidOffline+Nowipe, Je n arrive pas a mettre une autre sauvegarde, 2 joueurs pour rejoindre la tribu de 4 joueurs, Je n'arrive pas à changer le type de serveur. Hmmmm the 3DS and DS were systems that used carts in their times while still offering games cheaper than the consoles. Also check out the wiki in other languages:Deutsch Español Français Italiano 日本語 Polski Português do Brasil Русский See the latest Patch Notes, or check below. The Switch version of all the games mentioned are the best versions of this games, simply because you can take them anywhere you want to, and the experience remains the same. Decisions decisions. Nintendo fans before Switch: "Nintendo never gets third party games. What the Switch does is gives me opportunities to indulge without even turning my TV on, I can have a laugh playing a shootemup while lying in bed, much the same as I can level up and grind in DQXI S without plonking myself down and vegetating in front of a TV for hours on end. 12.9k posts. No releases on the Wii or Wii U virtual console or anywhere else. I recently picked up Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag and I’m blown away! Otherwise, the addition of portability alone does indeed justify the same price tag. lol. Rather than accept this very simple fact you’ve dug yourself into a position where you’re having to be insulting by criticising others “life choices” and calling them ‘lazy.’. Nintendo obviously have loads, but even my Xbox sees loads more use because of Game Pass including loads of Lego games, Minecraft, Luckys Tale etc. That said, I think that almost everything on the Switch suffers from being put on a 4K TV - of course it does, it's a machine that caps output at 1080 and struggles to maintain even that resolution for many of its games. The Witcher looks terrible on a decent size TV, it's quite ugly with flickering textures, rough geometry etc even with the latest patch. shocker. @Wavey84 @TG16_IS_BAE Maybe the ports of older games should be a little cheaper, but the games are normally priced the same as the PS4/XB1 games due to trading extra graphical quality for the benefit of portability (and occasionally other Switch features like motion controls and/or HD Rumble), which is generally a fair trade as long as it's a quality port like the ones on this list or a Switch exclusive with good performance. You'd think we'd be getting more from … And here I thought this was gonna be another plug for the overhyped CRYSIS. The first one was a masterpiece! Save yourself the 50$ If it's like 10$ at some point and you cannot play it on any other system, then go for it. @electrolite77 Um, I liked the PS2. Comment mettre admin ses amis sur PS4 (Non dédiée), recrutement sur un serveur aberration ps4, Pourquoi il n'y a plus les sms de ark sur switch, Recherche joueurs débutant(e)s ou expérimenté(e)s. Okay, I see now. YS 8 and final fantasy 12 were also great. 03/27 news Steam PixARK Patch 1.91 Update. The PS5 is looking attractive. [Xbox | Solo | Primitive + | Center] Jouable ? It is bonkers to me to see The Witcher 3 referred to as a lesser experience on Switch. Ummm just buy the game for less and play it on x86 if thats your choice, but for many portability and hybrid functionality matters which is why Switch is getting these games. Look i really dig the switch, but to me it's lack of Motion pointer control functionality(Wii + Wii U did it better), along with the pricing for games, and the lack of new great nintendo exclusives are the three big disappointments. @Wavey84 well, while I do have multiple tv’s to choose from (even 2 in the bedroom), I live with elderly and children, and my wife. Nous n'avons pas de bannière Flash, de pubs animées, de pubs audio ou de popup intrusive, nous ne souhaitons pas afficher ce genre de pubs ici. Studio Wildcard. Yeah I know but I live in Japan lol impossible to import it for less than 100$ 😭. I think after playing games for a while, I just wanted to try other things. It’s the same on every port review or article. Other ported titles on Nintendo have also had a lower price as well. $59 CAD should be standard since you're getting Wii U+ power, while $49 for older Wii U ports like NSMB Deluxe.