Charlie explains that the two Charlies are connected physically but are two separate beings. Ugh, Supernatural. Afterwards, they visit the morgue where Charlie nervously displays her badge upside-down and the coroner, Jennifer O'Brien, refuses to let them see the body without a chain of custody form. This allows Sam and Dean time to get to the airport and switch the package for a case with a borax bomb in it. In 10.21 Dark Dynasty Charlie checked into a motel under the alias Carrie Asimov. As Charlie tries to escape, Bobby is able to shatter the glass on the front doors by freezing it. Dark Charlie confronts Dean on the front lawn of the house. They find out her real name is Celeste, and they stake out the house of a woman they believe Charlie is after for information. In the parking garage, Dick Roman tells Pete that Charlie is one of the few humans who is special, who can't be fully copied by the Leviathans, whereas Pete can. His love. Dean, Sam and Gerry eventually find Charlie with help from the "prisoner" and are shocked to discover Gilda and Charlie making out. Concluding it all sounds crazy, she goes in search of her supervisor Pete, who has gone to the parking garage for a cigarette. When her nerve nearly fails her, Sam gives her a "What would Hermione Do?" Meanwhile Dick has arrived at the office, and quizzes Charlie on the hard drive. She was a lesbian and she appeared to have the same taste in women as Dean. Kathryn Felicia Day (born June 28, 1979) is an American actress that portrayed Charlie Bradbury from seasons 7-10 on Supernatural. I mean, where is all this? Charlie manages to get into Dick's office and download his emails. He is an only child. According to writer Robbie Thompson, Charlie's aliases are made up of the name of a Stephen King character for her first name and the surname of a famous science fiction writer. Charlie breaks down crying in Dean's arms. Back at her desk she sends these, along with the contents of Frank's hard drive, to the boys. Charles Thomas Brady was born in Illinois to parents Ron and Joan. When she finds out that his emails are on a private server and will require her breaking into his office, Charlie is reluctant but agrees. Gerry arrives and reveals that he takes the game too seriously, treating it like reality. expert who worked for Richard Roman Enterprises before being introduced to the Leviathans. The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, She has appeared in mainstream television shows and films, including Supernatural (2005) and a two-season arc on the SyFy series Eureka (2006). Navigation and Actions. Dean isn't convinced, but Charlie knows he has something that Cain didn't. Charlie is worried about Dorothy. They find Charlie holding a knife to Barbara Cordry's throat. Sam and Dean have tracked the location of the hard drive because it has an inbuilt GPS, and then manage to track Charlie to her apartment. There is a blackboard which is covered in notes including "Comic-Con San Fran Book Hotel," "Order Book on the Language of Star Wars," "La Roux tix" and "New Collection Craigslist.". They sit down to a meal of pizza and beer with the Winchesters. As paparazzi got tired of him, Dean sensed a change in the air. Clive retired, and Sam and Charlie track him to a nearby town. After learning that Dorothy is the daughter of L. Frank Baum who wrote the Oz books when the Wicked Witch came to Earth and Dorothy became a hunter, Charlie realizes that the books were written to give Dorothy clues and suggests they find "something pointy" from the books to use on the Wicked Witch. They meet her at the Bunker, though she claims she was in Topeka for a comic book convention. The two Charlies merge into one. A devastated Sam and Dean give Charlie a hunter's funeral pyre with Dean somberly reflecting on his good times with Charlie. It seems that Clive went to Oz, and then L. Frank Baum rescued Clive. Even working together, Charlie and Rowena are unable to translate the Book of the Damned or Nadya's Codex and Charlie, unable to take Rowena anymore, asks Castiel to take her away for some peace and quiet. She declares it is empty of any files relating to "Sam and Dean Winchester". Dean and Sam are in a communication van Charlie has set up. Dean explains how after Charlie disappeared he learned about her mother and realizes that her greatest fear isn't the video game or what it did to her, its losing her mother. Gilda shares a goodbye kiss with Charlie, then returns to her world with Gerry for punishment for him while Charlie hopefully calls after her to call her. Realizing from Dean's own experience with a djinn that Charlie will be stuck in a loop in a dream-like state, Dean uses African Dream Root to enter Charlie's mind to break her out of the loop. When the Wicked Witch turns around, Charlie stabs the other slipper into her forehead, killing her. When he and his henchman attempt to take the book from Charlie she goes on the offensive and is able to escape, but not before being shot. As they contain magic from Oz, Dorothy realizes that they can be used to kill the Wicked Witch. Sam tells Dean to meet them at Clive Dillon's house. Gilda tells Charlie that she doesn't know her master's name and that the only way to break the spell is for a hero to destroy his spellbook. Charlie, now under the name Carrie, is the queen of one of four kingdoms of the LARPing game of Moondoor. As Castiel locks Rowena in a back room as he can't leave her, Charlie leaves for a motel with her notes on the Book of the Damned. he talks about how long it took him to accept that hunting is what he loved to do, but that he only wants to do it with Dean at his side. Jacob and his men follow Dean back to the cabin, they are killed in the ensuing fight. After Dean's speech, Charlie and her army charge into battle with the opposing kingdoms and win. Dean tells them that the book has been calling out to him and the Mark and that it wants him to use it - but not for good. She is an alternate reality version of Charlie Bradbury. This page was last edited on 16 May 2020, at 04:39. After acquiring the Book of the Damned in Europe, Charlie makes her way back to America with it, she makes it south of Des Moines when Jacob Styne is able to track Charlie down. Further research reveals another victim, both in Topeka. As a true geek girl, Charlie usually wears a t-shirt related to something she loves. Sam and Dean arrive, possessed by the Wicked Witch and Dean pins Charlie, revealing that the Wicked Witch's plan is to actually bring her army to Earth to take over the world. Charlie isn't happy to lie to Dean and work with Rowena and neither is Castiel when Sam calls him in, but both ultimately agree for the sake of Dean. He tells them that Charlie wanted to know about the Middleton drunk driving case, Charlie is tracking driver that killed her parents. Before taking Charlie to the morgue to investigate the body, Dean takes her to get a new suit. The two Charlies confront each other before Sam puts the key in Charlie's hand. When Charlie describes the "dream" she had of Christmas with her parents who were both still alive, Dorothy reveals that she was dead and in Heaven. I just ugh I don't trust her being written by the Deadly Duo and I'm totally worried. Sam reviews Charlie's police file. Sam lays Charlie next to Dark Charlie and then pulls out a key that the Wizard had with him. While Sam and Dean argue, Charlie talks with the teenagers who found the body and learn that they spotted a blue handprint on it. Charlie Brady, Actor: Law & Order. In her apartment, Charlie has a similar collection of figurines to those on her desk at work. Charlie is not good or bad, just balanced. After killing the Wicked Witch of the West, Charlie traveled to Oz with Dorothy Baum to free it from evil control. Charlie has already narrowed down most of the suspects and after she proves to be an excellent shot, Dean agrees to take her as back-up rather than Sam who is weakened from the trials to close the Gates of Hell. When Charlie questions it, Sam explains it is the only battle speech Dean knows. 7 talking about this. After more than 24 hours of constant work, she manages to open the files on it. Dean seems relaxed and good spirits, laughing and enjoying his time with his brother and friends, but Sam continues to worry about him. Returning to the lab where the computer is, the three discover a large web on the back wall and opening it, they find Dorothy. Charlie was an I.T. Charlie volunteers to check it out. Charlie, broken arm tended to, boards a bus out of town. This involved tracking down the Book of the Damned, and evading the Styne family as they hunted her across Europe. Sam calls Charlie in for help in translating the Book of the Damned. With the Wicked Witch dead, Dorothy decides to return to Oz to free it from the Witch's forces and Sam, Dean and Charlie gather in the garage to say goodbye to her. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; Listing Works. i hope you get as much joy from watching it as i did creating it. At first, he denies knowing anything about Oz, but then he tells them that his Dark Half is really the Wizard of Oz. She's a lesbian with a taste in electro pop, left politics and is a keen gamer and fangirl, with her favorite series including Harry Potter and Star Wars. He died on September 15, 1971 in Loma Linda, California, USA. In season 13 and 14 she played an alternate reality version of Charlie Bradbury. Charlie feels every punch that Dean lands on Dark Charlie. However, the first step is finding Dark Charlie.