Watching TV has always been considered harmful, especially at a very young age or for your toddler. Remove the TV from its location or disconnect the power cord. Looking sideways and/or upside down at TV. MAR 10, 2014. Staring at lights in the room. Instead, turn off the TV when no one is watching it, and keep the TV out of sight as much as possible. While almost all child experts are unanimous about their views on the harmful effects of TV, some also think that TV can have some good effects too. Don’t study in front of the television Studying while watching TV can quickly turn into wasted time watching a favourite show rather than actually studying. Television viewing can, for example, increase your risk of premature death, reduce your level of intelligence, completely obliterate your ability to concentrate, physically impair the growing child brain, and increase your risk of developing … 12. This will ensure there will be no watching TV. Plan other fun activities for your child, so he or she has choices instead of screen time. In addition, kids between the ages of 2 and 5 should get no more than one hour of screen time per day. 7. Be involved in other activities, especially reading. The less television your child is used to having in their day-to-day lives, the less they will miss it. (One to two hours is the maximum dose recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.The group discourages all media use for children under 2.). According to brain scientist Daphne Bavelier, the effects of television depend completely on the quality of the TV … 9. If your child spends too much time on TV instead of going outside and exploring the real world, he will not be able to develop a strong imagination. Flipping pages without looking at pictures. Kills Creativity and Imagination. Watching ceiling fans. But did you know that TV can actually be harmful to you? Current State. Nowadays we see him blink more in the evening. This will help keep your child’s attention focused on one thing at a time rather than jumping back and forth between tasks, so he or she can work more effectively. Pushing toy trucks and cars while tilting head to watch wheels. If your child is still displaying TV addiction symptoms, stop watching television as a whole. Question: My 3-year-old son has started blinking a lot while watching TV and watching some cartoons on the iPad. Too often, TV is a backdrop to family life, blaring away in the den or family room while the kids play or the family eats dinner. Do you know what might be cause my 3 year old to have excessive blinking while watching TV and electrionics? 13. 8. Be a good example to your child by not watching too much TV or digital media yourself. Read to your child. 3. Love] Looking closely at the TV. 2 For example, in 1 longitudinal cohort study of a nationally representative sample of US 10- to 15-year-olds, there was a strong dose-response … Starting in the mid-1980s, 1 many epidemiologic studies have revealed associations between screen time and obesity. Here is a look at both the bad and the good of watching TV that can affect your toddler. [Free Resource: Brain-Building Video Games Kids (and Parents!) When watching programming with your child, discuss what you're watching and educate him or her about advertising and commercials. 11. The relationship between screen media exposure and obesity has been widely studied. In other words, parents should stick to evidence-based learning programs like Sesame Street and other PBS programs, and interact with their child while he or she is watching TV. Watching TV is something which virtually everyone does. Does TV rot the brain of a child glued to the screen more than an hour or two a day, as many parents fear? Limit your own screen time. 10. Even in later years, spending too much time watching TV can limit your child’s social interaction, thus affecting language and social skills in the long run. Also, avoid fast-paced programming, which young children have a hard time understanding, apps with a … Encourage play and exercise for your child. Stop watching all together. Staring out the window or watching out the window at cars driving by.