The downside? You should also research the insect you’d like to keep as a pet so you know what its needs are. Exporters and importers also have to provide documentation that proves the insects were acquired legally. The truth of the matter, however, is that while bugs are nasty creatures no one wants inside their homes, some of them are very dangerous to animals, particularly dogs. This is especially true if you see any signs of an allergic reaction, such as … If they can find these in your house, they'll move in. They’re also an important part of the food chain for birds, fish, frogs and other animals.”. Besides antlions, the term “doodlebug” has also been used as a nickname for pill bugs and beetles, “although this seems to be earned simply thanks to how goofy the nickname sounds,” according to Atlas Obscura in its article “What the Hell Is a Doodlebug?”. do tarantulas like being stroked. Regardless of whether an insect is foreign or domestic, there are some species that absolutely cannot be kept as pets no matter what. Threatened/Endangered Species List: Species that are in danger of going extinct are put on the threatened/endangered list. Sure, they are often treated like babies by their owners putting them in diapers and strollers but they also act like babies, permanently, with all the messes and screaming included. Research your species and look for one that tends to be more docile — some tarantula species are introverts and will bite you if you come too close. Sometimes this hissing subsides if the roach is used to being handled. Bugs like a nice home for the same basic reasons you do. Bed bugs don't live on pets, although they might hitch a ride or, on rare occasions, have a nibble. Named for their stick-like appearance, stick insects specialize in camouflage. Cats and dogs can get bed bugs on them. Dogs aren’t a major host of bed bugs, but … Keeping Insects as Pets. More fragile than most pets, some of them will even bite or pinch if you handle them too roughly. The federal government and states have put very tight regulations on which insects can and can’t be imported into the U.S. Hefty fines will be handed out all around if the rules aren’t followed. Bed bugs will take the easier meal to get to so since humans don't have fur to bury through like most pets, bedbugs will usually bite a human over a pet. If so, these insects might be a great pet for you. If you’re interested in scorpions, take some time to learn about them before bringing one home — this is definitely not a learn-as-you-go pet. While we sleep, the carbon dioxide that we exhale pulls them out of their daytime hiding places. However, they will not become infested with them. Any insect on one of the lists below is illegal to keep. In fact, no one wants bugs in their house. You can find pantry pests when they leave infested foods to crawl or fly around the house. Blogger Penny Whitehouse says mealworms “provide a great sensory activity for children.”, “Holding a heap of wriggling and jiggling mealworms in your hand, between your fingers, is nothing you’ve ever felt before,” she explains, adding that “most children love it.”. Keeping insects as pets can pose a number of serious issues (like infestations and injury), which is why there are regulations involved with ownership. Bugs In Cyberspace offers a wide selection of invertebrates, including live pet arachnids, feeder bugs, and insects. Some insects are restricted by law, depending on where you live. By the way, one of the closest relatives of mantises is the cockroach. (Although, apparently this is somehow a good thing?). For more information about our available pet insect and bug species, visit our website today. Stinging Insects . Doodlebugs dig themselves into the sand, forming a cone-like pit, and wait for insects to happen along. Lemurs, capuchins, chimpanzees, and baboons all fall into the primate category. These laws are designed to prevent ecosystem unbalance should a nonnative species escape. Fun fact: Although cockroaches share our same 5 senses, the placement of their sense organs is slightly different. Head lice. While some people may not enjoy insects, there’s no arguing that these creatures are an important part of nature’s balance. You see, be bugs can’t craw freely through animal hair and they won’t lay their eggs their, either. Considered harmless, boxelder bugs have no venom and don't sting. It’s designed to discourage illegal trafficking of certain animals, plants and plant products. The many different kinds of insects that infest dried foods are often called "pantry pests." Lice are host … Shutterstock. However, the second you cross state lines regulations will apply and a license from the USDA APHIS will be needed. The doodlebug is the immature stage of the antlion, but antlions can stay in this larval stage for years. Bugs love water and are attracted to moisture, so putting your petâ s food and water right next to each other is like hitting the jackpot for cockroaches. Special Bowls There are a few different types of bowls you can buy at your local pet supply store that will help you discourage bugs from getting into your petâ s food. Just as we have our rush hours, so do bugs like fleas and mosquitos. This can be a huge turn off to potential reptile owners who are uncomfortable with keeping insects like crickets and roaches in their home or dislike watching their pets kill other animals. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issues what’s called an import/export fish and wildlife license. Customs will comb through packages, which means there’s a good chance perpetrators will get caught. Give us a call today! A pet doodlebug’s needs are simple: Just provide a shallow, sandy box and some insects to prey on, and your doodle will be happy. Your pet brings more than just happiness into your home. They may make some people squirm, but for many, pet insects are the best pets they could ask for. Which bugs make good pets? Are Boxelder Bugs Dangerous to Pets? These two pests often are mistaken for each other. A pet bug is quiet, doesn't eat much and requires minimal care. Think about it. But that doesn't mean pets such as dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, mice, and even birds won't be the victims of a blood meal. If your pet is losing a great deal of hair, and if it is not from ticks, fleas or usual shedding reasons, then there is a possibility you are having bed bugs in the home. A recent Harris Poll found that approximately 62% of Americans have a pet. Pet bugs are not like puppies and kittens. Many believe that a pet lizard must be fed live bugs or other living animals. Oh, boy. Note that all species of scorpions have the ability to sting. Whenever you’re trying to determine the laws of your local area look for the policy on exotic pets. While most people do everything they can to get rid of insects, some people invite them into their home. When these unwitting insects fall into the pit, the doodlebug feasts. These may seem like nothing but pests, but according to Linda Lombardi at USA Today, the most common cockroach kept as a pet is the hissing cockroach, named for the unique hissing noise it makes. Learn much more about stick insects in our care guide. Besides being better for the planet, bug-based pet food might check the boxes from a nutritional standpoint, too. What it looks like: These bugs are shaped a bit like a stink bug and grow up to 3/4 inch long. So, avoid walking your dog or taking your cat for some fresh air during those particular times to avoid the risk of them being bitten. They’re nocturnal, so expect to see them more active at night. But these spiders are harmless to humans (except for a painful bite), and their mild venom is weaker than a typical bee’s.”. The license simply means you are able to declare that acceptable insects are being shipped and will go through one of the designated ports. The answer here is no. The regulations sometimes begin before your insect pet even makes it home. Start off by buying your pet tarantula as captive-bred versus caught in the wild because many methods used to capture wild tarantulas can be environmentally destructive. This includes dogs, cats, rodents and birds. While some can be handled safely, others cannot. The professional pest control technicians at Vulcan Termite and Pest Control Inc. know how to handle every type of insect, whether or not they’re a pet. We aim to breed and supply fascinating little creatures for hobbyists. So make sure to create an appropriate habitat for your pet stick insect — otherwise, you may find some of your houseplants looking a little ragged. So, check with local authorities before bringing home pet insects that aren’t indigenous to your area. In fact, they have been kept as … They do not bite or sting people or pets and they do not feed on or damage buildings. Again, as with the other animals on this list, be aware that some species of millipede are regulated — check state and federal laws before bringing one home as a pet. Sure, dogs and cats make awesome pets — but they’re not for everyone. The severity of the reaction varies from mild irritation to death, so — seriously — do your research. 4. Other times the sender may need to get a special permit to ship the insect. They are cute and childlike but are not a substitute for human babies. Be aware, however, that certain bugs are illegal to own in certain places; for example, in New York City, tarantulas, black widows, and other venomous spiders cannot be kept as pets. Read up on relevant laws regarding these animals and discuss your intent to purchase one with your landlord, if applicable. What ants eat varies by species. Can Bed Bugs Travel on Pets? Tarantulas. King and queen ants will have wings — when they reach maturity (in the wild), they will fly off to start a new colony. Your pet mealworms need only a bed of oats and a couple pieces of fresh veggies to be happy. Why, yes. They often gather in pots, pans or dishes or on window sills. In her book Great Garden Companions, author Sally Jean Cunningham explains that “without insect pollination there would be food shortages, because about one-third of the food we eat comes from plants pollinated by insects.”, In fact, Cunningham says, “Insects are critical to the decay cycle that returns nutrients to the soil. If your dog or cat tries to eat a bug that has a stinger (like a bee or a wasp) they may end up getting stung on the inside of their mouth. Bed bugs, also known by their scientific name Cimex lectularius L., are parasitic creatures that use blood as their sole source of nutrition. Since insects are all around you may not think of them as exotic, but that’s typically the category they fall under in city pet ordinances. They are a reddish-brown color, and usually have a … Bed bugs do not live on the pets per se but they might do so when they are unable to find a human victim. Hunters at heart, the praying mantis doesn’t let a little thing like cannibalism stand in its way — they’re known to prey on each other as well as other insects. At that point the imported insects will get Customs clearance. Of those, 95% consider their pet to be part of their family. Some eat seeds, other insects and water mixed with honey. If you are just coming home from the pet store, it might not be a good idea to make any attempts to stroking your new little eight-legged pet. They have evolved to fit their niche perfectly. Another arachnid on this list of pet “insects”? Crickets are inexpensive to care for and can be found almost anywhere. If you aren’t sure about the guidelines ask the provider if they must follow shipping regulations and if they have the proper permits. Registered Plant Pest List: The USDA Registered Plant Pest list specifies all insects that pose a threat to agriculture and therefore need to be carefully controlled. To start your pet ant colony, you’ll need a mated queen either alone or with a few drones. Small animals like this have no brain capacity for such affection. Global diversification increases distribution of many types of microorganisms and pests. Be careful when you handle your pet millipede, though. Pet owners sometimes have to deal with fleas and ticks in the house. Because of this, exotic pets come with a lot more restrictions. They can live up to 16 months and grow to 1 foot long. They’re low maintenance, though, and will eat just about anything you give them, including cereal, granola or birdseed. These industrious insects are some of the most fun to watch. Like we mentioned earlier in the article, bed bugs prefer to inhabit tight spaces. Sorry — here’s another one on this list that’s not actually an … That said, tarantulas are smart, are fun to watch and have distinct personalities. Then check out these fun and interesting insects. If you’re looking for the ultimate low-maintenance pet, the mealworm is for you. These interesting little insects can be found everywhere in the world — except Antarctica — and make fascinating pets, provided you do your research. Ants are always busy either collecting food or defending the colony. The simple answer is yes. Whether it’s preference or regulations, the following bugs are the most common pets: Keeping insects as pets can pose a number of serious issues (like infestations and injury), which is why there are regulations involved with ownership. One of the millipede’s defense mechanisms is the excretion of a chemical that irritates the skin. Banned bugs will be illegal in any situation. One of the commonalities of pets that are considered exotic is they pose a threat in the form of disease or physical injury. Other than food and water, pet ants need little maintenance once you’ve built their enclosure to their specific species’ needs. The federal regulations for importing exotic animals are outlined in the Lacey Act. (Mind blown! They feed on warm-blooded animals. Stick insects enjoy being handled, provided you are gentle. While children are intrigued by creepy-crawly insects and love capturing, poking, and playing with them, most adults grow out of such an interest. This is the time of the day when they are the most active, and those times include dusk and dawn. Besides that, watching and learning about each species is a fun way to have a pet that won’t ask to be taken out for a walk in the rain. Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded organisms. As National Geographic puts it, “Tarantulas give some people the creeps because of their large, hairy bodies and legs. If your pet should happen to eat one, it will probably be the last time. They like to burrow, so provide your pet millipede with some leaf litter. They are also harmless, allergy-free and their food is less expensive than the food of most commons pets. If so, then a stick insect might just be the perfect pet for you. Without them, the planet would be in trouble. Pets have become a part of the family in many homes. All this makes them an increasingly popular group of animals to keep as pets, for young and old people alike! OK, first of all, we should be totally up front here and say this: Millipedes are not actually insects — like centipedes, they are classified as arthropods. We’ll provide a thorough inspection to assess the situation before creating a custom pest control treatment. If you find that your furry friend has been stung, it is best to err on the side of caution and take them to the vet. Is it a bed bug or lice? It's estimated that there are 10 quintillion insects alive at any time (don’t worry, only 91,000 live in America!). Insects are only allowed into the U.S. at certain locations, and each port sets their own protocol. However, that may not be the case for everyone! Bugs commonly found inside homes include ants, cockroaches, earwigs, firebrats, flies, house centipedes, silverfish, and spiders. Before you go out and catch the first bug you see and bring it in the house, you'll want to do a little research as to which bugs make the best pets. Of the hundreds of thousands of insect species in the world, only a small number are actually domesticated. These insects are vegetarians and prefer their leaves to be fresh. The most popular are cockroaches, locusts, katydids and ants. Some people prefer a more nontraditional pet, like an insect. (We just liked the idea of lumping them together for simplicity’s sake.). Only 9% of people surveyed said they had a pet that didn’t fall into the dog, cat, fish or bird category. The rules vary from one city to the next, but there are a few standard regulations that usually come with keeping an insect as a pet no matter where you live. Oh, boy. Their lifespan is usually only a few weeks. According to the California Department of Public Health, while bed bugs prefer humans, they will feed on dogs and cats as well. Sorry — here’s another one on this list that’s not actually an insect. 1. Your cool pet bug may have been bred in captivity, but that doesn't mean it is fully domesticated. There is one exception: anytime a naturally occurring insect is being transported within a state no permit is needed. Some of the more serious diseases that ticks can transmit to your pet include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and … Using caution when handling your spider is always a good idea. Not only do … Most of the time, snacking on bugs won't hurt your pet, though some types of insects can pose problems. No. Spring Cleaning Tips That Keep Bugs at Bay, It’s Good to Give Thanks: 5 Ways We’re Thankful for Pest Control. Bed bug bites on cats or dogs can cause acute skin irritation, pink welts or spots on the skin, intense itching and even allergic dermatitis. This is nature’s form of population control, as the female mantis will lay 100–400 eggs at a time. For some, the sound of crickets is quite soothing. You might have a dog and still not want bugs. We all love our cats we just arent the biggest fans of what they can track into the house. Yes, tarantulas make great pets for people who are prepared to handle these arachnids responsibly. A praying mantis lifespan is about 6 months, with a great many not living this long. Without a reproducing queen, colonies won’t survive. However, having a license doesn’t mean you’re able to ship and receive insects as you please. Of course, the vast majority of people own a cat and/or dog. There are a wide range of insects that make great pets, here are just a few: • Crickets are fun pets to have. Crickets. These animals are carefully regulated and handling them is prohibited. They eat bits of fresh fruits and vegetables, and this healthy lifestyle means they can live up to 10 years. ... companies like it represent a miniscule fraction of the $75.5 billion pet … The rules vary from one city to the next, but there are a few standard regulations that usually come with keeping an insect as a pet no matter where you live. Besides praying mantises, stick insects, beetles and butterflies there are more species of bugs that can be kept as pets! While bed bugs were largely eradicated in the 1940s, there has been a resurgence since the 1990s. And by that, we mean that your pet cannot bring the insect inside your home because the pest doesn’t like fur. Compared to common pets like cats, dogs, rodents and birds they require less time and space. Paul area. Millipedes were named for their many feet, and there are more than 10,000 species of millipede worldwide. Just like humans, only some pets are allergic to bees and wasps. They’ll get their water from the veggies and eat the oats, and all you have to do is change out their oat bed every week or so. Not only are dogs and cats able to trek fleas and ticks into your house, but their food and waste can also attract other critters, according to Rove Pest Control, which services the Minneapolis—St. Crickets are charming creatures and make excellent pets. For example, cockroaches hear through their feet. Like mosquitoes, they are attracted to carbon dioxide. For example, a pet tarantula might bite if handled too roughly. Pet scorpions are cheap to feed — they eat crickets and mealworms and can live up to 3 years. Insects might seem creepy to you, but they’re also fascinating and serve a vital purpose in our ecosystem. We don’t have a dog and we don’t want bugs. With so many species I made a selection on which I am covering on this website. They want food, water, and shelter. ), Perhaps a more appropriate name for these insects would be “preying mantis.”, That’s because these guys are merciless when it comes to their meals. Bed bugs prefer to feed on humans, but they can bite just about any animal. Thinking about getting a nontraditional pet? For those who enjoy being around bugs, it is not a surprise that keeping them as pets has become pretty common. The “other” category is the box checked by insect owners. While you may think bugs are creepy and gross, your dog or cat may think they look like a tasty snack! Unfortunately, ticks like these spots, too, and they don't mind hanging around to wait for warm-blooded travelers like you and your pet to hitch a ride on. Between mopping up dirt and mud, picking leaves and twigs out of their fur, and applying flea medication every month, its easy to lose your cool over keeping your furry friends healthy. Of course, in the coming days, there are many ways to start to get your pet used to being held. It will still act on instinct — a fact of life for which you need to be prepared. OK, without further ado, here’s our list of “creepy” insects that make great pets ….