Leaf Group Ltd. My family thinks I’m crazy since I sprinkle it on the floor all over my kitchen. Of the other three varieties, one is Vietnamese or Saigon cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi) and the other two are Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) and Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii). They … in the USA, so I don’t feel I need (or need to pay for) a stronger one. I’m, by no means, certain, I think that I read that some of what we buy as “cinnamon”… isn’t “cinnamon” at all… Totally fake! How about you guys review things that are actually available all over instead of things that few if anyone can buy much less heard of? I love sprinkling it on pumpkin pie pretty heavily, I might add & no whipped cream necessary. While their flavors are similar, cassia tends to … Responding to the difference in tastes between these spices, chefs often prefer cassia cinnamon in savory dishes such as meats and soups and the sweeter, milder Ceylon cinnamon in desserts. I normally use the Vietnamese Cinnamon from Simply Organic. Indonesia is the chief supplier of Cassia Cinnamon. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. I won’t support ANYTHING that comes from a muslim country (Indonesia) given that islam is responsible for 669+ million murders (genocide against non-muslims, commanded by the cult’s founder, muhammad himself) throughout its 1400 year history.It’s also responsible for 36,000 global jihad attacks since 9/11/2001. Saigon cinnamon has 1-5% essential oil in content and 25% cinnamaldehyde in essential oil, which is the highest of all the cinnamon species. Two Types of Cinnamon (One is Toxic) Please Share! My absolute favorite is roasted Saigon cinnamon. I bought Saigon cinnamon in the supermarket once and it was great but it has never been in the stores since and that was years ago. The shelf life of properly stored cinnamon is about 4-5 years for whole cinnamon and 2-3 years for ground cinnamon. Cinnamon – it’s one of the healthiest spices in the world and has been used as a traditional herbal medicine for centuries.Ceylon cinnamon has a sweeter, more delicate flavor than cassia does, which may make it preferable for flavoring desserts and lighter dishes. There is no GMO cinnamon. And both are similar although the taste is somewhat different. The truth is, both belong the same family of plants (and even the same genus -- cinnamomum). Organic vs. Non-Organic Spices. McCormick or Spice Islands, even though they rated it as recommended. Nice to see Morton and Bassett on here. I always put more than the recipe calls for as Ceylon isn’t as strong tasting.On the subject of cassia type:it almost always gave me heartburn so I used to think I couldn’t tolerate cinnamon.I had a cinnamon roll at a friends home knowing that it would be a bad outcome but those rolls looked so good.I was wrong and right:I didn’t get heartburn and those rolls were divine. A large container of organic Vietnamese cinnamon is only $3 at my local Costco and it is delicious. That was too funny. Am I right un what I recall? Thankyou for the review. Would be good to know where it ranks, I ate a small amount of cinnamon and my legs fell hevvy and I feel tired but my hands and arms also feel hevvy and I don’t eat much Is this normal. Saigon cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi, also known as Vietnamese cinnamon or Vietnamese cassia and quế trà my, quế thanh, or " quế trà bồng" in Vietnam) is an evergreen tree indigenous to mainland Southeast Asia.Saigon cinnamon is more closely related to cassia than to Ceylon cinnamon (), though in the same genus as both.Saigon cinnamon … Many countries like the US buy the rough bark, powder it and then use it to flavor various baked goods and processed foods. Ten years ago, a news story on organic foods would have put most of us to sleep. In an effort to maintain their trade monopoly, Arab traders wove elaborate stories about the origins of cinnamon. I have a pet peeve. Privacy Policy The two come from closely related but different trees. True cinnamon has a pale tan color and a sweeter and more delicate flavor than the dark reddish brown, almost coppery, pungent cassia. powdered spices gradually lose their potency over time. One possible reason for this marked difference in usage of cinnamon is because the spice has a twin brother (or sister, if you prefer). Its bold flavor stands out well against all that fat and flour, and its spicy tinge gives satisfying dimension to sweets. Claudia has a PhD in Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness and is a Registered Dietitian. I use Spice Island brand. You can even add it to some alcohol free Witch hazel. Also, they have so many other spices that you can buy in bulk, I love their Fiesta Chili Powder, it is delicious and their Veggie Pepper, I buy both of these by the pound! If I were taste testing cinnamon I would smell it, as well as taste it. Recipes that call for cinnamon … I’m growing some at home & use the whole cinnamon bark to flavor things instead of powdering it.Penzey’s was ok, but they have a disturbing leftist political agenda so I won’t support them by buying any of their products ever again. Cinnamon powder or ground cinnamon is easily found at grocery stores, although in the U.S. and Canada this will most likely be cassia cinnamon as opposed to Ceylon cinnamon. While you love cassia? Commonly, cinnamon is sold as a ground powder. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | Site Map, All about how to eat right, diet and exercise, by Marion Eugene Ensminger, Audrey H. Ensminger. This cinnamon is made up of 4% to 6% essential oil. Should I be eating cinnamon or not? Although there are hundreds of varieties, only two main varieties are maily used on a daily basis. Know the difference and check if you are eating the real cinnamon. There are hundreds of types of Cinnamon. Thrive Market's cinnamon is Cinnamon loureiroi, also known as Saigon cinnamon or "Vietnamese Cassia." It’s very pricey but well worth it. I don’t even need to add sugar to either one. If you wish for extended shelf life add a shot of vodka. I am working on my insulin resistance, however I don’t want to test the waters with cinnamon in my coffee, black for me during my fast! Funny how they don’t show the product that is actually sold in the supermarkets, i.e. Saigon cinnamon, or Vietnamese cinnamon, is one of the cassia varieties of cinnamon that are less expensive and more commonly available than true cinnamon. Sanjana is a master's graduate from New York University and a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. Ceylon cinnamon vs cassia cinnamon. Although, LOL, I would never try it this way. Powdered Ceylon cinnamon can be found at herbal apothecaries and specialty spice stores. Our mission is to test recipes over and over again until we understand how and why they work and until we arrive at the best version..If you like us, follow us:http://americastestkitchen.com.http://facebook.com/americastestkitchen.http://twitter.com/testkitchen.http://instagram.com/testkitchen.http://pinterest.com/testkitchen, Video taken from the channel: America’s Test Kitchen, Differences between Ceylon cinnamon and Casio cinnamon. Add lemon peels, orange peels, eucalyptus leaves, rosemary, and cinnamon. Penzey’s, Penzey’s, PEN-ZY’S!! Cinnamon Extract Vs. Cassia is crap. This spice has been used in foods, fragrances, religious ceremonies and medicinal preparations across many cultures around the world for centuries. Saigon Cinnamon. The darker-colored, harder stick sold as cinnamon is Cassia, not cinnamon at all. Kirkland Signature Ground Saigon Cinnamon Saigon Cinnamon has a higher oil content than standard cinnamon which gives it a richer aroma and deeper flavor. When they caught them they found they were using these spices in their long doctors masks to keep clean, and thus it was the birth of sanitation. Since the taste of Saigon cinnamon vs. regular cinnamon is very similar, it can also be swapped into almost any recipe that calls for cinnamon. The biggest difference between Ceylon cinnamon vs. Saigon cinnamon is that Saigon has a much more intense flavor. Cheap and good. Commercially available cinnamon powder is usually ground from the cheaper variety of cassia as well. I wish they would consider the average consumer a little more when they call out for these exotic ingredients or brands. Also, it can be used as an all natural cleanser. Many countries like the US buy the rough bark, powder it and then use it to flavor various baked goods and processed foods. Ground Cinnamon - Identifying Ceylon Cinnamon Powder. The hard sticks commonly found in grocery stores are the Cassia kind. Just recently discovered Saigon cinnamon and it became my favorite immediately. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. It contains high amounts of coumarin – up to 8%. Those who are new to the journey (like myself) are clueless. I use Vietnamese cinnamon for everything. Sir can we get any side effects like stomach plam if we drink ciraman and honey for weight loss every per 2hr. Great information, as always. The differences between Ceylon and cassia cinnamon are not visible when they are ground into powder. I get the Ceylon from Frontier Co-Op and it is very delicate and floral and I also get their Vietnamese it is hearty and spicy. As of late, I have been eating it daily. It has a spicy and warm taste. Aug. Health Benefits Of Saigon Cinnamon You May Not Know. The sad truth is that ground cinnamon could be either Ceylon or cassia cinnamon. McCormick® Ground Cinnamon. Wiki says “Despite its name, it [Saigon cinnamon] is more closely related to cassia (C. cassia) than to cinnamon (C. verum, “true cinnamon”, Ceylon cinnamon), though in the same genus as both. King Arthur Flour – Only sells the ground form, but they say it best, “…tasting Vietnamese cinnamon next to supermarket cinnamon is like drinking a cup of espresso vs. coffee from a highway vending machine”. Saigon cinnamon is known for its high concentration of essential oils, which accounts for it having a more complex and pungent flavor. So, although no real differences exist between cinnamon powder and ground cinnamon – besides having a different texture – the two types of cinnamon … Are they better or worse in terms of nutritional and medicinal properties? Cassia cinnamon varieties are often cheaper than true cinnamon. I have yet to buy the sticks of the spice, but Watkins makes a mean ground Saigon cinnamon… Good Ceylon cinnamon tastes nothing like cardamon. Ground Saigon Cinnamon. Saigon cinnamon is derived from the bark.Wiki says “Despite its name, it [Saigon cinnamon] is more closely related to cassia (C. cassia) than to cinnamon (C. verum, “true cinnamon”, Ceylon cinnamon), though in the same genus as both. None of the above. Don't think of the taste difference like you would between lets say a green pepper and habanero. Cassia owes its deep reddish-brown color to the cinnamon tree, from which one piece of hard bark is harvested, and then rolled or ground. Cinnamomum cassia, called Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon, is an evergreen tree originating in southern China, and widely cultivated there and elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam). If you are simply looking for a flavorful dish and are not overly invested in tradition, Saigon cinnamon … by Casey Thaler. Thank you. One of the reasons is it having more oil than other varieties. I love cinnamon! Organic Ground Vietnamese Cinnamon, Cinnamomum loureiroi, is called "que" in Vietnamese. This cinnamon is the most aromatic of the different types available. . Is a Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon Good for You? I use the Ceylon in my apple pie and the Vietnamese in my gingersnaps and snicker doodles. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum; 錫蘭肉桂 xī lán ròu guì) and cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum; 中國肉桂 zhōng guó ròu guì) have a long history of uses as flavoring agents, preservatives, and pharmacological agents. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a77e048ee842d1e02389038b8eb6d00e");document.getElementById("a3d46f8c18").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.