Correspondingly, how do you sharpen an AXE with a file? The other thing I’ll cover is the two different ways to use the file. Topics to be interested: severe heartburn acid reflux, In the field of textiles and clothing industrial, wear comfort is no doubt one of the most important aspects. But sometimes it becomes difficult and reasons injury due to wrong technique and improper practice. Repeat the same process on the other side of the axe blade to finish sharpening. Step Three: . When you sharpen a knife, you move the blade against the stone which is stationary. Finish off the outside edge of the blade with the mild side of the sharpening file to an even, sharp edge. A straight edge is exactly what you would imagine; completely flat sides meet to form an edge. Sharpening An Axe With A File Sharpening An Axe With A File. Repeat 10-15 times to sharpen the edge. Match the bevel angle and draw the file across the edge. Remember, do your best to keep the angle between 25° – 30°. 3. Once you’ve made it to this point, the angle on each side is sharp enough that metal is beginning to bend over. It, in my opinion, allows you to put more force on the file which allows you to remove more metal per stroke. This will sharpen your blade to the fullest without dulling or harming the steel. Your email address will not be published. Be mindful to spend the same amount of time on both sides to ensure it’s even. A file guide is an all-in-one tool that performs all of the functions of a round file, flat file, and depth gauge, which are the 3 tools traditionally used to file a chainsaw. When sharpening your axe, there are two basic shapes you want the cutting edge to look like when you’re finished. Use the file to create the new cutting edge. The angle varies slightly from axe to axe, but it’s pretty easy to find with just a little experimentation. There are a few things I want to show you before we begin. This is why using a file to sharpen an axe is my preferred method – you don’t need expensive equipment to do it. An axe is an essential tool for cutting woods, splitting, shaping up or smoothing the woods. If the bit (another name for the edge) is nicked and damaged I suggest starting with the heavy duty sharpener or even a bastard’s file. UNLESS there are heads that come along periodically that are super hard steel. How to Sharpen an Axe: Step-by-Step. Using a file card, clean file teeth if there is any dirt stuck into the teeth. The Push File Method is a terrific way of sharpening an axe with a file. You can use... Step-3. Something between 25° – 30° will suffice. The push file method is most commonly used for sharpening axes. Do your best to keep both sides even. Watch the video above for more information and better understanding. Now, the next step in how to sharpen a knife with a file is adjusting their (knife and file) angle with respect to each other. Use a Bastard File The best option for most axes is a bastard mill file of 25-30cm. They work exactly as described. Sharpening an axe is an awkward and a dangerous task. Repeat the same process on … Your tools will slip and you will cut yourself. It is common that an axe becomes dull after several uses, and this is unavoidable. Step Two:. There are two basic ways of doing this; the push file method and the draw file method. Or you have a file. Make sure the file only has contact on the out stroke and not on the return. A sharp axe is a safe axe. How to Sharpen an Axe With a File A simple 10 mm file is one of the easiest ways to put a razor sharp edge on an axe. Your email address will not be published. Each one has its pros and cons and each one outperforms the other in different ways. If it’s blunt, it’s useless like a dog’s skin. File back from the cutting edge to the middle point when you can feel a metal burr on the back side. Sharpening an axe is a fairly simple process once you’ve learned how to do it. How to Sharpen an Axe With a File A simple 10 mm file is one of the easiest ways to put a razor sharp edge on an axe. A flat, mill bastard file should be used if your axe is extremely dull or chipped. There are plenty of differences when it comes to files. Make sure both sides are the same. If you have ever used an axe, then it’s safe to assume that you have sharpened one as well. Make sure that the file is at a slight angle on the blade while holding and keep a distance in front of you so that you can push your arm easily. To use, all you have to do is clamp the hatchet’s head between your knees and have the blade placed in an outward facing position. Sharpen an axe with a stone or file If you have a sharpening stone, then you're on a path to sharpening glory. Remember that you do not want a knife type edge, that is too thin and weak for hoeing. Try to achieve a fan-shaped effect on the axe cheek. Finally, rinse the knife with water and dry it with a soft cloth. Each stroke of the file will remove some metal. Most of the axes are the convex shape with a view to protecting them from damage against wood while cutting. Then repeat the pull stroke by varying starting point until your desired convex shape appears. How do you choose between all the different axe-sharpening methods? Take a close look at the existing bevel and try to develop a 20-30degree curved edge, keeping the file in proper alignment with the bevel angle. So, it would be a great technique to clamp the axe with a file in order to avoid slipping. If you have followed the process, there will be very little mess on the axe. If you’re not at the shop and at the camp or in the woods, hold the axe in your arm. Repeat 10-15 times to sharpen the edge. Hey, I’m John, the founder of Timber Gadgets. Both are popular with wood cutting people. The coarser the grain the coarser the stone, the more material the stone removes. I used fine 8″ and 10″ mill files, but one or the other will work fine. A good axe has the same quality steel (though not the same alloy) as a good knife. This is pivotal for the ideal honing of the tool. I’m going to assume you know the basics of a file. It doesn’t deliver the required performance. How to Sharpen Tools Sharpening your tools. To avoid this, draw a level line with a black marker and sharpen only the marked area of the edge. Well, for keeping your axe sharp and workable, you need a good file that could sharpen the axe if it … Sharpening an axe is awkward, difficult and dangerous. Use long, broad strokes from your shoulders outward. Step by Step to Sharpen an Axe with a File Step-1. 5. Sharpening an axe does not have to be time consuming, there are a few ways to expedite the process by adding a little power to your efforts. This applies to the rounded bevel edge as well. Do your best to keep both sides even. Tools needed to sharpen an axe are a file, a honing stone, and a strop. Draw file method Hold the file with a hand on each edge, with one hand anchored at the top of the axe head. Raw or Boiled Linseed Oil for Axe Handles. The process is fairly simple; push the file over the bit to create a sharp cutting edge. Axes are designed to chop through hardwood. Other stones need water to sharpen a blade properly. Having the proper grip on the file is the most important technique what appropriate axe sharpening depends on. Perhaps the most important aspect of sharpening the edge of your axe is to hold the file at the right angle. After using the file (if needed) finish You will be applying a lot of pressure to the head of the axe, so you will need to be able to hold it securely. Each stroke of the file will remove some metal. A file guide is an all-in-one tool that performs all of the functions of a round file, flat file, and depth gauge, which are the 3 tools traditionally used to file a chainsaw. Dull axes not only make your work harder they can glance off the wood and cause serious injury. First and foremost comes in the form of a bench vise. An alternative to a vise is C-clamps. Home â Learn â How to Sharpen an Axe with a File. If I was starting with a blunt axe I might consider a bastard file as a shortcut to save me half an hour with a stone. There are three power tools commonly used to sharpen an axe: A dremel tool, a belt sander and an angle grinder. Many injuries occur because of avoiding safety wearing. Match the bevel angle and draw the file across the edge. The first step in the axe sharpening process is to find the bevel angle on one side of the axe. This puts more support behind the cutting edge. Sharpen an axe with a file. Tools needed to sharpen an axe are a file, a honing stone, and a strop. [1] X Research source Wear safety goggles to protect against metal dust. Required fields are marked *. There are several options for this. Draw file method Hold the file with a hand on each edge, with one hand anchored at the top of the axe head. Step One: investigate your blade. Hence the term “push file”. You are forced to grip the axe in many strange ways, applying pressure using a file to a curved surface which can cause the file to skate or slip. The first and foremost important thing to consider while sharpening axe is safety tools. Before you start applying the file, you need to secure the axe. Always file or grind into the edge of the axe. This will sharpen your blade to the fullest without dulling or harming the steel. To sharpen your axe you need a file or coarse (diamond-coated) sharpening stone. … There are some positives and negatives to this method, but you’ll find a lot more positives if you ask us. If your file does not have a finger guard, cut a slit in a piece of leather and fit it onto the file. You’ll screw up your file that way and won’t do your axe any good. A good axe has the same quality steel (though not the same alloy) as a good knife. At this point you’ll want to pull the end of the file down, filing the cutting edge of your axe. Tools needed to sharpen an axe are a file, a honing stone, and a strop. Or you have a file. (see Figure 1) This is best done with the coarse side of the file. If the paper is cut using the knife this means, the tool is no more nicked, dull, or pitted. You’ll screw up your file that way and won’t do your axe any good. The major problem people have while filing an edge is axe movement which causes slipping. How to choose the best Heating system for your home? To sharpen your axe you need a file or coarse (diamond-coated) sharpening stone. Also, making the angle less than 20° will result in poor performance. Once you’ve made one pass, repeat it with a little more attention to smoothing out that side of the blade. The rest of the file should extend beyond the bit of the axe. The Best Way to Sharpen an Axe I remain convinced that the best way to sharpen an axe is the old-fashioned way – by hand, using simple tools such as a file and sharpening stone . Examine the edge and follow the original bevel. You don’t have to use a whetstone to finish sharpening your axe but it definitely helps. Once you’re finished filing, you’ll likely still have some metal shavings on your axe. Don’t worry if you don’t have a vise. Again, use some type of insulation between the contact points of the clamps. Other stones need water to sharpen a blade properly. To do this, hold the handle of the file in one hand and place it on the poll of the axe. Tough, cut proof gloves work best. On the other hand, if you apply draw file method, pull the file on the blade instead of pushing and avoid making contact of the file with the blade when going back for next stroke. When it comes to stuff you’ll need to do this, you’ll need an axe and a file. Another way of sharpening your axe is with axe sharpening honing oil. How to Sharpen an Axe: Step-by-Step. The coarser the grain the coarser the stone, the more material the stone removes. If not, I recommend brushing up on some of that information. Lawn mower blades: Sharpen and balance. If you go with pushing method, start filing by pushing the file on the blade along the edge with little pressure. Rotate the puck in a clockwise motion over both sides of the cutting edge. Grip the handle of the file with the dominant hand and catch the top of the file with another hand, keeping the fingers around the end of the file. If I was starting with a blunt axe I might consider a bastard file as a shortcut to save me half an hour with a stone. There are different methods and means of accomplishing this task but using a file is my preferred method. Sharpen an axe with a stone or file If you have a sharpening stone, then you're on a path to sharpening glory. Repeat 10-15 times to sharpen the edge. Keep going back and forth between each side until the axe is sharpened to your satisfaction. Repeat 10-15 times to sharpen the edge. The angle of the cutting edge is one of them. Usually, files are used when the blade is chipped and a considerable amount of material needs to be removed to bring the axe back to shape. Protect your hands and face. Inspect the file if teeth density is the same. An axe is an essential tool for cutting woods, splitting, shaping up or smoothing the woods. With this device, you can bring the stone to the axe. You can also sharpen it with a file by placing it in a vise, if you’re sharpening it in your workshop or garage. It is the most commonly used and probably the one you’ve seen in play on TV shows and movies. Of all methods, sharpening with a file is very easy, effective and popular. Make sure to keep the edge shape and follow the curve of the blade of the axe, unless it is severely deformed. That’s not always the case. And the entire process is so easy that you can do it at home or in the woods or even when you are snoozing on a hammock. A rounded bevel edge with a smaller curve or angle is better for cutting soft wood. Repeat the same process on … And the entire process is so easy that you can do it at home or in the woods or even when you are snoozing on a hammock. To sharpen your axe you need a file or coarse (diamond-coated) sharpening stone. My latest 12" file seems to be getting dull already and its only months old! And once you do find it, the angle will feel intuitive. I clamped my axe in the vise at a presentable angle so I could file into or toward the body of steel. To remove the file marks I suggest either using the sharpening plates or small diamond files. Remove the spark plug wire. Clamp the axe horizontally to file, or vertically to put a better edge on it. But a dull axe not only interrupts smooth cutting but also often causes danger. Tilt the file downward toward the edge of the axe to raise a sharper edge. Protection should be considered before starting work. With a little patience, you can sharpen your axe with just a file – nothing else. You […], There are many destinations in the world that people admire and think of working and living there.