Oil pulling is an ancient, Indian folk remedy claimed to whiten your teeth, freshen your breath and greatly improve your oral health. If Nagel is right on the seeds thing – and I know the oil has different components from the seed itself – perhaps sesame oil would not be the best swishing oil for me? My breath wasn't as fresh as I would like it to be, and since I prefer natural products, store bought mouth wash was out of the question. I heard from Dr. Lagos’s office. -- Rebeca. You can see the the gum recession. Once the gums recede, they cannot grow back. This might be because I already took pretty good care of my teeth before using the product.” -- Ava, “I decided to try oil pulling as a natural alternative to whiten my teeth as opposed to commercial products that use harsh chemicals. However, I'm sure the sesame and other seed oils are fine, if they are quality brands. Hi Nadia, You actually want to brush beforehand, because otherwise you don’t get as much of the benefit (it’s busy getting rid of all … Since no adult tooth grew at #20, bone never grew there, so I was at a disadvantage from the beginning. I’m also reading the Power of Now, a book I read many years ago and will always love. The oil pulling to treat receding gums (or any other disorder) should be performed first thing in the morning, before breakfast, and on an empty stomach. Continue pulling the oil through the … I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for a few months after starting with the hope it would improve my health ailments. Repeat the oil pulling process up to three times per day, for 10-20 minutes each time, to speed the healing of receding gums. And OPing three times a day with two drops of tea tree oil in sesame oil. BUT I noticed that in the late afternoon, when I tried to read, my mind was all over the place and I was reading the same sentence over and over. I’m still on sesame oil. Oil pulling did this for me years ago as well. Mei Dec 30 at 1:58 pm. Here’s a thermograph that was taken a couple of years ago. Now I'm looking at complete mouth reconstructive surgery. My root is very exposed. This can have several causes. Many people swear the difference in their smile is like night and day when comparing the effects of oil pulling before and after. The electrodermal screening guy I saw yesterday said that I still have some bacterial infection in my jawbone above two upper teeth. Also, don’t know if this is related or not, but I’ve had a few heart palps since starting oping AND since starting  my major probiotic diet. And we know that I do like to shy away from anything that releases too many heavy metals! It  may have to do with taking 10 Modifilan today. This morning I OPed for 20 minutes, but halfway through I spit it out and took a new tbsp. Plus I still see yellow at the bottom of my teeth where they meet the gum, in general. Receding gums are one of the most dramatic signs of gum disease. Then when I spit out the oil, I can hawk the yucky stuff up and out. Receding gums. Without my telling Dr. Lagos anything about it either, he saw it as infected when he looked at my panoramic xray. You can get rid of inflamed gums by rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution. Thanks for this free info. Other good oils for this purpose include olive oil and sesame oil. The red area is where I had a top and bottom tooth extracted – pano showed infection (Lagos hadn’t seen this). Also I am HUGELY bloated, more than I’ve been in months. 8.5 Can receding gums grow back from oil pulling? Thankfully I found a half full bottle of sesame oil way back in the kitche cupboard so I’ll start OPing with that now. Had to take a quick nap today, tired. After spitting the oil, you should rinse your mouth with warm salt-water and brush your teeth. "Oil pulling should never replace routine dental visits and traditional home oral care," Emery says. How to Use Essential Oils for Receding Gums. It's not new, but if you're wondering what it is, consider this; this oral therapy dates back 3,000 years to a traditional Indian system of Ayurvedic medicine. Is Taking Multivitamins Before Bed a Good Idea? Before that, I have had a cleaning every three months, brushed at least twice a day with a special fluoride toothpaste to strengthen my teeth, had changed to the Sonicare electric toothbrush for better cleaning a few years ago, flossed, and used an Ayurvedic … I really like how my mouth feels after oil pulling. This could be one of the better ways of performing oil pulling: Brush your teeth normally after … Last night I dreamt a LOT which I love because I think in good health you dream. This review shared that oil pulling gave her more than just oral health benefits and whiter teeth. My mouth always feels super clean and fresh after I oil pull, rinse with salt water, then brush with my baking soda/salt tooth powder. Twice yesterday for 15 minutes, same today. That’s all I could do it for. Also I got a bit down in the dumps yesterday, which has happened historically when I release mercury, or so I think. I have OPed twice with sesame oil today, for 15 minutes each time, and will do so again before bedtime. Continue swishing for about 20 minutes, because this is how long it takes to break down the plaque and bacteria, but not so long as to allow your body to re-absorb the toxins and bacteria. Perhaps you've read something about it on the internet, or maybe you've noticed the bright smile of a friend who recommends it, oil pulling is a growing trend. My plan is to do the following for two months, then return to the perio to see if there’s any improvement. BUT I have to stop the raw milk. Learn more about receding gums in this article. You'll not want to use the sink, because like all oil, the spent oil could clog the drain. Coconut oil, in am and in afternoon, fifteen  minutes. I think it’s difficult to clear something like that without trying more than one thing… but I’m sure that oil pulling played a big part.” ~Lisa H. I’ll be able to tell you more once I read his book. Yesterday I felt twinges in my lower left jaw, in the area of bone that I’m trying to heal with oil pulling. Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to remove bacteria and promote healthy teeth and gums. Look at this tooth. It gets watery by minute 15. The natural and active ingredient of Dental Pro 7 can eliminate all of the problems related to mouth health. I have been gently irrigating about twice a day. 8.3 What are some possible coconut oil pulling dangers? He recommends 15 minutes a day, and you might not see noticeable results for at least two months. Learn about the possible benefits oil pulling with coconut oil here. Also, now that I am reading Oil Pulling Therapy and being reminded about how it all works, I remember that since I started OPing seven days ago, there have been a few times where I’ve felt very mild sensations in the areas where tooth #3 and tooth #14 were (I had those extracted by Dr. Lagos six months ago because he said the pano showed that they were infected. Today I will oil pull three times. Some say to brush your teeth after oil pulling, as they say the oil pulls out toxins, bacteria, pus, and mucous, which is why, they say, the oil gets whitish after swishing it around for 20 minutes. The best oil for this technique according to experts is high-quality coconut oil. Microorganisms in your mouth consist of a single cell, and the cells are covered with a fatty or lipid, membrane. Research ways to fix my malocclusion (bad bite), which I now think could be the reason for this area being so irritated. For #3 at least, this was confirmation from an electrodermal screening I’d done a month before, which told me of the infection in the tooth). Saltwater Rinse. Measure 1 to 2 teaspoons of the oil and put it into your mouth. I'll let you know how it goes! 8.6 Does oil pulling heal cavities? It also made her less moody closer to her menstrual cycle, cleared up her skin, helped her sleep better and wake up with better morning breath. Studies show that oil pulling helps guard against bad breath, plaque, gingivitis, and even may help prevent eczema breakouts. Bestselling author Dr. Hulda Clark … The above photo is an example of this. Cried a couple of times. Push, pull and draw the oil through the teeth, from side to side and front to back, for 8-20 minutes. Like very pregnant bloated. Am on 10 grams of salt and c. My skin looks great. So daily oil pulling will clean your teeth, gums … - thinks that when you do it longer it can release too many heavy metals. So, after my 60 day oil pulling experiment, I have this to say: swishing with sesame and coconut oil, twice a day, for 15 minutes each time, has not yet stopped my gum recession. The Benefits of Oil Pulling for Oral Health. I was doing some reading online about tooth decay and reversing bone loss and came across the work of Ramiel Nagel, who helped his daughter and himself to remineralize decaying teeth. Am practicing Chopra’s 7 Laws of Spiritual Success (one of them is acceptance!). He does, by the way, speak well of OPing. I find the combination of herbs, minerals & oil is also healing my gums. And there you have it. There is however, a big improvement in how much of a healing crisis compared to years ago when I oil pulled for long periods. 8.2 Do you brush your teeth before or after oil pulling? Please note that the video that this comes from is trying to sell oil pulling products…so make of that what you will. Repeat this thrice a … So daily oil pulling will clean your teeth, gums and mouth better than anything else I believe. OPed twice today, 15-20 minutes each time. He will use his laptop and finger probe to tell me which dental materials I am energetically good with, so that I can go to the dentist and get a permanent crown that will replace my temporary crown that I swallowed a month ago. Place a tablespoon of oil in your mouth. Aloe vera not only reduces the swelling of gums but also helps in activating the cells most vital for tissue repair. 8.6 Does oil pulling … Oil pulling has been known for a long time as an … I know that that’s affected my teeth/gum areas before (just like DMSA used to, so I’d think it was mercury and/or infection related). On an empty stomach, take about a Tablespoon, or about half a mouthful, of oil into your mouth. Perhaps my gum loss is not infection-caused after all, although many other people's gum issues are (and so OPing would be great for them). Additionally, if you have symptoms of gum disease such as receding gums, or gums that regularly bleed during brushing, it is best to see a dentist or periodontist about this. Other good oils for this purpose include olive oil and sesame oil. Price? However, after doing it for a couple of weeks, I've managed to keep swishing it for the full 20 minutes that's recommended. Oil pulling. I had heard this mentioned for years but never exactly knew what was involved until I saw the trend popping up all over my social media feeds. Oil pulling. Natural Remedy for Receding Gums #1: Oil Pulling… This is the number one remedy used in ayurvedic medicine for preventing and reversing receding gums and works a treat. I have to be gentle around the base of the exposed root. You can also use coconut oil for oil pulling. This happens during healing crises, I have found, like when I did Larry Wilson’s Nutritional Balancing program. EDIT 4.4.14: I am seeing a dentist now who has told me that she thinks the crown on my back molar - the gum under which I was trying to improve with oil swishing - is not good. 8.4 Is oil pulling healthy? Oil pulling is a very powerful way to remove the harmful toxins, microbes and plaque build-up that cause gum disease and tooth decay. Find out more about the treatment here. Please still be my friend after you view this picture. This was tooth # 3 (upper right) before I had it extracted in Mexico by Dr. Lagos six months ago. There is a variety of toothpaste that can help reverse periodontal disease and improve the health of receding gums. Although the itch sometimes returns, due to environmental issues, this is the most rewarding result that I've had from oil pulling. Now, if you’re looking to add something else, you could try oil pulling and see if it makes a difference. This encourages me because I was feeling the tooth root more, and a stiff neck, and I believe these are part of the healing crisis as he writes about. Today I drive two hours to see the EAV guy. Taken from this video. But this morning, after I looked at both my tooth roots in the mirror, I grabbed my sesame oil bottle to take a swig and then stopped. It can be a better option especially for you who are not comfortable with extreme treatment for gum recession such as surgery. Coconut oil, swished twice today, for fifteen minutes. Healing crisis from 3x a day oil pulling. Different ones than I had out last August. Oil Pulling with Sesame Oil to Treat Receding Gums. I do it for such a short time because I read on earthclinic.com that the Ted  - whoever Ted is! 1. I only did it for 10 the third time because it felt like it got so watery and thin that I wondered if it’d be best to spit it out since it might be full of germs. However, many dental treatments can help restore the gums around the teeth. Keep in mind, however, that this tooth is a severe case. My rx is: 1. Learn more about receding gums in this article. I am actually glad that that #30 temporary crown fell off, because it made it hard to floss properly, and whenever I pulled out the floss from between the teeth it would smell. Join our community. Current time: 02/21/2021 05:07:17 am (America/New_York) LATER: Angry, depressed. Before you choose a dental practitioner, verify if they are part of the American citizen Oral Connection. My gum bone is not growing back yet! Read my messges on this board Read my messges anywhere Re: How long to wait for receding gu... tomj 8 years ago 135,991 Free Clark DVD! If you’ve noticed that your teeth look a little longer or your gums seem to be pulling back from your teeth, you have receding gums.. Oil Pulling: be careful if you have periodontitis. An ancient Ayurvedic technique, oil pulling has been used in India for centuries. 8.4 Is oil pulling healthy? The mixture of peppermint and tea tree oil … Now I am going to do the oil pulling with sesame oil and see if there is a difference. After 20 minutes, spit the oil into a trash can. Nagel strongly discourages seeds and other high phytic acid foods. Have been OPing with sesame oil for the last two or three days. Oil pulling – many people still use oil pulling to help reduce the threat of plaque build up in their mouths. Take a tablespoon of oil and swirl it around in your mouth for between 10-20 minutes. ‘Space’ area, bottom left where two teeth are missing, feels better. So I’ve been swishing with coconut oil since I ran out of sesame oil. You'll not want to use the … Another solution to help repair gums is oil pulling. Once the gums recede, they cannot grow back. Now that you know what the best essential oils for receding gums are, here are 3 effective ways you can incorporate them into your daily dental routing to cure receding gums. Body is feeling more lithe, flexible. I was inspired to try it when a friend told me her gum shrinkage was reduced significantly over time from using this product. Reverse Gum Disease with Coconut Oil Pulling. https://www.newhealthadvisor.org/Oil-Pulling-Before-and-After.html Bloated tonight, but it’s not as big as it used to be. No oil goes down my throat. He says yes to raw milk. We know this of course, but what about for those of us who are already following the dietary principles of Weston A. If you have gingivitis, you know how painful and how expensive it can be to get professional treatment, especially from one of the best dentists in Beverly Hills. After about 4 weeks of daily oil pulling, while oil pulling pieces of hard plaque were actually breaking free from my gum line and I could feel tiny "rocks" in my mouth while oil pulling, that i would spit out. If left … I have had a pimple above my  right eyebrow for three days now. Repeat the oil pulling process up to three times per day, for 10-20 minutes each time, to speed the healing of receding gums. I am going to see the EAV guy who can tell me which material will be energetically safe for me to use. So, if you try it for your gums, do let me know your results! How does it work: cloves or clove oil can help to cleanse the mouth and harmful bacteria that promote in the healing process of dental issues. Maybe it’s the OPing, don’t know. Reduction in pocket size, my gums have stopped receding, I have zero bleeding, and my gums are no longer red and inflamed. Plump and healthy. Dee says: June 11, … Get scaling and root planing. Today is Day 61. I’m also taking larger doses of the Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil/high butter oil (I am a big Weston Price fan!). For those familiar with oil pulling (swishing oil in the mouth to reduce bacteria, infection, plaque buildup, etc. Changing to a more natural toothpaste is one of the best ways to improve your oral hygiene routine. Glad you joined us! It has a long list of health benefits so it’s not surprising that it can even help receding gums. I will persevere, as I always do. Alas, I looked in a mirror today to see that I can now see the other exposed root behind the first, in the gumline I’m trying to heal. After about 4 weeks of daily oil pulling, while oil pulling pieces of hard plaque were actually breaking free from my gum line and I could feel tiny "rocks" in my mouth while oil pulling, that i would spit out. I told myself that they were twinges of bone regrowing. Maybe so much ascorbic acid I take is not the best form for me. Oil pulling is one of the most effective traditional treatments for various oral diseases. Seeing a new dentist, one who is an IAOMT member, 4. To oil pull: Floss and brush your teeth before you start oil pulling. Gum recession can be caused by bacterial infection, a.k.a., periodontitis. I’ve been drinking it every day for five days straight and though I love it, I am stiff – neck especially. So, after my 60 day oil pulling experiment, I have this to say: swishing with sesame and coconut oil, twice a day, for 15 minutes each time, has not yet stopped my gum recession. So I started back on coconut oil as of today. Gently swish 1–2 tablespoons of coconut oil in … Swish the oil around in your mouth slowly, as though you were rinsing with mouth wash. Suck the oil and "pull" it through the teeth, over and again. It has taken quite some time, but oil pulling has finally gained some popularity in the United States. I still rinse out with salt water afterwards. I’m fairly certain you brush afterwards, to make sure you’ve gotten the remaining oil and bacteria out of your mouth. Consider doing a before-and-after test with your dentist. Start the irrigator again (I’d stopped after my three extractions). You may have heard that coconut oil helps keep your gums healthy. Diet, he writes, is key. Peppermint oil – In order to prevent gum disease, the essential oil treatment for receding gums also includes a mixture of peppermint oil which is able to stop the growth of bacteria and help to stop the progression of the disease. I kept at oil pulling, and before I knew it, four minutes every day stretched to 15, and my gag reflex turned off. Then at 10:30, again with an empty stomach, I pulled with coconut oil for the first time for about 12 minutes. I am hoping this will help me with my bite problems. Gap feels like it’s closing up again on the sesame oil. I’m excited to share what I find about the state of my teeth and gums on Day 60. Switch to an ascorbate form of vitamin c, and up my minerals. My lips are shiny and hydrated, my teeth look whiter, my mouth feels fresh and clean. Special Toothpaste for Receding Gums. Meantime, I take a shower, load the dishwasher, and pack a lunch for the day, before spitting the oil out into the trash can and brushing my teeth. He said there’s been a lot of bone loss above missing #14, and was so surprised to hear that I’d had #3 extracted at the same time as #14. I am encouraged. Mercury release? We learn so much about feeling good when we share our health experiences with each other. Use the Search tool to see if I’ve written about what you’re interested in. Ellie Phillips, DDS, often speaks favorably about oil pulling. Additionally, researches have proven the fact that … If you feel the need to spit during this time, spit a little out and keep “pulling.” At the end, the oil … "With a friend's suggestion, I decided to try oil pulling to help whiten my teeth and to treat my eczema, but oil pulling for 20 minutes every day is no easy task. Both days I felt tired in the afternoon, so had to lie down for half an hour and sleep. I take a tablespoon of coconut oil, put it my mouth and start swishing. The less for bacteria to thrive on. Not an ache, but just a feeling there that I did not like. Sesame oil and a few drops of tea tree oil as always. I learned weeks ago that I can just bend my head forward a bit to keep the oil out of my throat, then swallow the mucus back down. Kept feeling like I needed to swallow and I didn’t want to swallow any bacteria-laden oil. Yesterday I OPed 20, 20 and 10. Before this stage, receding gums can heal without surgery, but we want to remind you it will take time and work. "Oil pulling should never replace routine dental visits and traditional home oral care," Emery says. Tanya sent an article by Leo Cashman about  ‘sterile’ bone implants from cadavers not being so sterile, and also a summary about Bruce Fife’s book on oil pulling. … I have been oil pulling twice daily for fifteen minutes every day. This too could be sesame oil die off? It's a good thing for anyone whowants to pay attention to their oral hygiene, and oil pulling does not harm your teeth. Real-Life Oil Pulling Experiences – Before & After. And that that alone - a misfitting crown - can cause gum recession underneath. This tooth showed up energetically when I went to see the electrodermal screening doctor, without my saying anything about my mouth at all. I know it’s not the Modifilan because I’ve been doing that 3 times a week and it’s caused no problem. Sit upright (don’t lay down) and swish the oil around for 1-3 minutes. Next week I am to get Cranial Fascial Therapy done - two sessions in two days. In fact, it’s been proven to be even more effective than flossing, and it’s one of the best ways to naturally whiten your teeth.. Shake it once every day. But, practicing good oral hygiene routines that include daily brushing, flossing and oil pulling can help to keep the harmful bacteria under control to prevent serious dental problems including periodontal disease and receding gums. I have seen marked improvements with my eczema breakouts that I usually get on my elbows and knees. Once your gum tissue has pulled away from the tooth and receded, it is permanently damaged and there is no magic cure. This method involves using sesame * or coconut oil … My Daily Periodontal Treatment & Care Routine. Receding gums grow back oil pulling … 8.2 Do you brush your teeth before or after oil pulling? It will reduce the chances of getting infections that may be the reason for receding gums. The oil pulling to treat receding gums (or any other disorder) should be performed first thing in the morning, before breakfast, and on an empty stomach. Oil pulling is a method of cleansing the mouth by swishing oil around for up to 20 minutes. But back to oil pulling. On the buccal/cheek side, when I move my lower jaw around, it somehow feels less raw, even though when I look at it in the mirror the root still looks exposed. The oil also helps to remove harmful heavy metals from the mouth … Thus, if you’re using oil pulling for receding gums, do it only occasionally. One day soon though I will need to get it replaced. Science confirms that the ancient practice of oil pulling is actually beneficial for our oral health. I have great energy. After a few weeks, maybe 3-4 weeks, start using this lemon oil. I got so depressed and yucky, remember? The oil will become thicker as it mixes with your saliva, and will turn a milky white before you spit it out. This has been my mainstay for years, however, my house has recently, mysteriously acquired chocolate chips, chocolate coconut ice cream, chocolate covered almonds from Trader Joe’s that I can assure you are not health-promoting. I’ve been doing more Green Pastures last few days. Increasing raw dairy for the calcium and other minerals to help remineralize and stop bone loss (I love this part). Anyway, back to the mild sensations in those two areas since oil pulling. ... Before and after. Copyright WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.ORG © 2020, All rights Reserved. Try not to swallow any of the oil, it's not good for you to consume. I haven’t had a pimple in years. I only wish I had known about this earlier when I was wishing I had brighter teeth." Swished regularly with salt water, dabbed clove oil on the gums, took Christopher’s Infection Formula, and oil pulled with coconut twice a day for 10 mins before cleaning my teeth with Christopher’s Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder.. I need bone tissue from a dead person and soft tissue graft from the roof of my mouth. When I first started oil pulling, I could not handle the oil in my mouth for more than 5 minutes. Taking about 1.5 tsp total of the Green Pastures clo/butter oil. Must be a healing crisis. Either the oil or the coconut oil from the flakes has actually helped with cleaning my teeth and gums. Make sure to oil pull first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed — before you brush your teeth or drink anything. 6. My gyms started receding because of gum disease so I thought id give oil pulling a try. Lots of food remnants come out. Take 2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth and swish it for 20 minutes. A study conducted on 60 adolescents aged 16-18 showed a decline in plaque level after they did oil pulling. Cloves are used for centuries as a way to freshen breath, however they can also help stop receding gums. Silly me. I’ve started adding two drops of tea tree oil to the sesame to increase germ-fighting abilities. So how does this relate to oil pulling?? I was happy to read all the heartfelt testimonials. Oil pulling is an effective remedy to keep bacteria under control, avoiding dental health problems such as receding gums. The oil pulling to treat receding gums (or any other disorder) should be performed first thing in the morning, before breakfast, and on an empty stomach. Am doing the liver flush tonight, but am still oil pulling because my last five liver flushes I am getting stones out despite eating fat on the day of the flush. How To Avoid The Side Effects Of Oil Pulling. Maybe the bacteria are still there, and I’m feeling them trying to fight against the killing action of the oil. So having got cleaner, fresher teeth and gums and … The daily itching that used to bother me so much have diminished dramatically with the exception of one knee. But even better, the swish turned meditative. My family loves this moment. I got into oil pulling about 5 months ago because of gingivitis that had turned to periodontitis according to my dentist. This technique is used to remove any bacteria or food particles. (But had to take a half hour nap today.) The three of these factors combined is what made me decide to get it extracted. 2. Receding gums leave your teeth unprotected and at a higher risk for issues like sensitivity and tooth decay. Rinse with warm water a few times to remove any leftover oil residue from your mouth. Extra vitamin c (I’m on 10 salt and c), 5. I've been oil pulling also gums have receded quite a bit. Fermented foods, pasture-raised animal fats, vegetables, soaked and dried nuts etc? I followed the instructions for a week and could not believe the difference it made to my smile the very first day! The best way to measure how far oil pulling can whiten your teeth is … Teeth feel clean after I swish. Yesterday and the day before I OPed twice, both with sesame oil. When I swish, I’ll feel mucus come up a bit in the back of my throat. After oil pulling, the swished oil looks white and cloudy but don’t worry as it is normal. I started on serious probiotic foods today as well.