The site provides NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN questions that are based on the materials developed by 2021 National Council of State Boards of Nursing and are similar to those you’ll find on the official exam. This is because 0.00 is considered the balance point between competent and not-competent. NCLEX. I tried to do at least 60 questions a day and read all rationales but as I got closer to the NCLEX I did 25 questions quizzes with either my incorrect questions or areas I was weak in. Believe it or not, the NCLEX-RN passing score is actually zero points. Currently, both exams have a minimum of 60 questions that each candidate must answer before any decisions are made regarding passing or failing the exam. I was dying and my eyeballs stopped working lol. What is the NCLEX-RN pass rate? Now, keep in mind, this doesn’t mean you have to answer every single question correctly in order to pass if this happens. Fail. Hope this helps! An Important Note about NCLEX Questions: The majority of NCLEX items are application-based questions 2. The Nurse Plus Academy is designed to help you pass your NCLEX Exam. You must have every one of the last 60 questions above the passing threshold for this situation in order to pass your NCLEX. Instead, too much emphasis is placed on passing in as few questions as possible and many students feel that unless they pass on their first attempt they are essentially worthless and somehow less of a nurse for it. The CAT can either stop at 75 questions or go all the way to 265 questions depending on how you’re doing and at the end it tells you if you’re ready for the NCLEX or need more practice. What this means is that the question calls upon you to recall information and apply your knowledge in a clinically-based scenario. If your ability dropped below the passing standard, even once, during your last 60 questions, you fail. What’s Passing the NCLEX? I finished in 28 minutes with 60 questions and I wanted to throw up after it shut off. If the student has not answered the minimum number of questions, the result is a fail. A candidate will not pass the NCLEX if he or she achieves the competency level significantly below the passing standard in the following two scenarios: Related: Take the NCLEX with confidence with the help of these free NCLEX practice questions. If the candidate answers at least the minimum number questions but runs out of time and has a consistent competency level above the passing standard for all of the last 60 questions. How many question are on the NCLEX? Nurse Plus is not affiliated with NCSBN®. I felt like this better helped my study time, and kept me knowledgeable to all aspects. When a candidate is in the positive range of the score, they pass. If no, sadly it is a failed result. Which is a computer adaptive test that simulates exactly how the NCLEX is. Passed NCLEX LPN 60 questions. If the minimum threshold has been reached, the computer uses the last 60 questions to determine whether the passing standard has been reached or not. 10 Real Life Tips About the NCLEX. If yes, you pass! For the NCLEX-RN, the minimum number of questions you need to answer is 75 while the maximum number in the test is 265. The result of that collaboration was an across the board change that affected both the RN and PN NCLEX exams. You just can’t dip under the passing threshold at any point in the last 60 questions. This is long, but to cut to the chase if you guys don’t wanna read all of it, took the NCLEX 4/9/2020 in Ca. So little valuable advice is actually given about taking a holistic and healthy approach to the NCLEX-RN. The maximum number of questions is 130, and the time limit for the exam is four hours. MINE WENT ALL THE WAY TO 265.