In 2021, Saturn is retrograde from May 23rd (at 13° Aquarius 31′) to October 10th (at 6° Aquarius 53′). It happens to be ruled by the element of air, which would include things like communication, technology…and wind). On February 17, 2021 we are having the very first square (challenging aspect) between Saturn and Uranus. Saturn in Aquarius (conjunct Jupiter) will square Uranus in Taurus. You may have noticed the shadow phase of this square transit has been unfolding in TX with the climate crisis now impacting residents in big ways weatherwise. What happens to the sign of aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces with the passage of Saturn, the planet of seriousness and maturity in the earth sign of aquarius in 2020, 2021 and 2022? It’s essentially going to bring any old systems that are not working well to light and force us to deal with the issues that need fixing. We will need to claim our authority set apart from our past conditioning so that we may develop new visions and cultivate stabilizing structures to help us adjust to the sweeping societal changes that will be taking place. On December 17, Saturn heads back into Aquarius, followed by boundless Jupiter two days later, on the 19th. Forecasts, Outer Planets. Since the living image of Aquarius is a human water bearer, the combination of Saturn and Jupiter moving together through Aquarius can deepen understanding of any subject matter connected with humanitarian concerns. Saturn in Aquarius is comfortable outside the boundaries of consensus opinion, and so its transit will promote breakthroughs in everything, from science and technology to spirituality and artistry. Life will begin to make sense of what you need to focus on and build for yourself and humanity. Slapping ductape on it, throwing blame, running away, or making quick decisions, these are not going to be an option this time. Along with this, Saturn will enter the Uttarashada Nakshatra at the beginning of the year, which will give rise to several problems in … In this video, we examine the transit of Venus through the third decan of Aquarius: Feb. 17-25, 2021, through Archetypal Symbolism, Tarot, Fixed Stars & the I-Ching.. #astrology #venus #aquarius #decans #fixedstars #mythology #tarot #iching #traditionalastrology #saturn #mars #sevenofswords #decan #saldasuud #denebalgedi .. Will the lesson from the Universe be absorbed and processed? From 6th Oct 2012 Saturn began a 2 and a half year transit of Scorpio at the top of your Solar chart. Elsa. The influence of this energy spends weeks building, culminating, and then receding, and we’ve already seen high-profile manifestations of its influence here in The States as the Law became lawless when Republican … Aquarius is a sign that shows up for communities with big ideas that may not be accepted by society quite yet. The 12 th house is linked with expenses and financial loss and bedroom related activities as well. This transit will assist Saturn in his search for new ways to organise society in a way that works for everyone. Saturn in Aquarius is comfortable outside the boundaries of consensus opinion, and so its transit will promote breakthroughs in everything, from science and technology to spirituality and artistry. The planets will square off again in December, 2021. January 24, 2021. by. Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 2021 In lieu of the normal weekly forecast (the exact transits were pretty minimal), I decided to reflect on the Saturn-Uranus square that is currently active and is a defining transit of 2021. Saturn moves through the 12 th house. Saturn … You’ll also define your values and earn and solidify your sense of self-esteem. The two planets will co-pilot through the Water Bearer’s zone on and off until December 29, 2021, combining their paradoxical powers. In addition to the Taurus elements I covered earlier, this sign is often believed to represent the rooted economy and Capitalism. Taurus rules resources of the earth. Mere days now separate us from the first of three rounds that will feature Saturn in Aquarius squaring off with Uranus in Taurus; exact on February 17, 2021.. Currently our existing energy systems support old money and capitalistic structures that have left many out. It has historically made decisions to continue investing a majority in old and non-renewable sources, and has made a big point to keep federal government out of their state energy structure…which profits the oil industry. Add that layer of the effects of climate change being forced by the element of air far enough south, where global warming deniers are aplenty…we’ve got quite a big moment of clarity and re-evaluation to address. The last major transit of the cycle is the current Saturn-Uranus square (2021-2022). January 6, 2021. Rising Aquarius If you are Aquarius rising, Saturn will be in your first house of identity and life path. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Saturn moves into Aquarius for just just about a 3 year period from Saturn in Aquarius - March 21, 2020 until July 1, 2020 and then from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023 due to 5-1/2 month Retrograde back into Capricorn. With this transit, you will feel your life path start to crystalize in the next two and a half years. It’s no surprise the Biden administration has also decided to announce plans for a Civilian Climate Corp program focusing on CCC ethics for a green initiative, this evening. In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturn’s transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). As a result, the transit of Saturn through Aquarius will be pivotal in terms of cultural trends and shifts in power that will have a lasting influence on world events. In the year 2021, Saturn will not be making any transits through the zodiac signs and will remain seated in its own sign, i.e., Capricorn for the whole year in your 12th House. Aquarius: Saturn Transit 2020, 2021 and 2022 effects on Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) Saturn rules your sign and also rules the 12 th house for your sign. Tensions could be high tomorrow, so stop and reassess the situation. by psychicreadingsbybrandi.In Astrology, Celestial, Self Care, Social Justice, Uncategorized. It will likely come with some life-altering changes that could take shape over the next year. Once mid June, and another on Christmas Eve. Based on how the zodiac signs interact with each other, this will have a strong influence on the same degrees in the other fixed signs of Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. While these will be volatile sections of the year, they will also bring opportunities to make necessary adjustments and implement inventive solutions. The Aquarius 2021 predictions suggest that you will be restructuring your outer and inner world in … On February 17th we will have our first big transit of 2021. There may be a simple and obvious solution that you possibly casted aside in the past. This transit is a big deal because it only happens every 20 years. From one conjunction to the next, each Saturn/Uranus cycle lasts about 45 years. While the transit of Saturn in Aquarius will be unusually important in terms of collective events, on a personal level it will also play an important role in reshaping the foundational structures of our lives. Midsummer, 2021, Saturn will turn retrograde and go all the way back to 6 degrees. However, the defining influence of 2021 is this one: the Saturn/Uranus square. Circle December 21, 2020—also the Solstice—as a major date on the calendar! #psychicreadingsbybrandi2021airastrologybe a part of the solutionclimate changeclimate conservation corpearthembracing ideasenergyglobal warminggreen energygreen new dealmadisonMadison WInew ideaspsychic readings by brandisaturn in aquariussaturn square uranussquareTexastransitstxuranus in Tauruswisconsin, Copyright © 2014-2024 Psychic Readings by Brandi, All Rights Reserved. You can read more about the Saturn Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius here. If you are ready to embrace positive change and lean into new solutions, this transit may be a pain initially but will be well worth it in the end. On Wednesday February 17th, 2021 Saturn will be placing a square on Uranus and this could lead to restriction with freedom. Squares are a moment of tension (like when you’ve stretched the band of a slingshot before it launches). Being the friendly sign of Venus, it will provide a beneficial outcome during this transit. In Aquarius it will remain seated in the 12th House for the whole Year. (Radical self acceptance and self love, tearing down structural vanity), 5.Knowing your value (set healthier boundaries with work, balance more time with home/family, connecting with the earth, being compensated for your true worth). Venus enters Capricorn on 8th Dec, 2021 … Big news—Saturn is moving into Aquarius on March 21st, the first time it’s been in the sign of the water bearer in 26 years. However, this comes at a time when Saturn in Aquarius –an overlapping transit– wants … When better solutions are available, life will have a funny way of forcing you to take a more serious look at them, instead of tossing those solutions aside because of what you are comfortable with. A moment that really reflects this thick Aquarian energy. Saturn is joined in Aquarius by Jupiter which entered the sign on 19 December 2020 and leaves on 29 December 2021. Taurus is a sign that symbolizes all things Venusian-style…earth, food, energy, fertility, resources, abundance, beauty. The ringed planet had a brief stint in Aquarius earlier this year from March 21 to July 1. From 23 rd May 2021 Saturn turns retrograde. Saturn Transit Phase and Effects. Saturn at 7 degrees 14 minutes Aquarius is square Uranus at 7 degrees 14 minutes Taurus at 7.07 pm GMT 17th February 2021. The planets now battling to define this new world are Uranus and Saturn. Saturn in Aquarius Horoscopes are here! As we collectively enter a new era defined by Saturn in Aquarius, we will need to reorient toward what needs to be built to address whatever aspects of the old societal structure are no longer working. When Saturn transits your Venus-ruled second house, you’ll feel pressured to get your financial life in order. January 24, 2021. Aquarius . While Saturn changing zodiacal signs is always a major astrological event, there is extraordinary significance this time due to Jupiter also entering Aquarius on December 19 and forming an era-defining conjunction with Saturn on December 21. Instead of breaking ties and trashing what we don’t like, we’ll be better off by leaning into accountability and positive change. Posted on. At the beginning of the year Saturn transits in own sign Aquarius and moves through your sign. Saturn will not form any exact square aspects with Uranus in Taurus during 2022, but we will still have to navigate through an extended period of volatility stirred up by the tension between them as they travel in close range of a square to one another. an era-defining conjunction with Saturn on December 21. When a system or structure is no longer in line with solutions for the greater good, those that hold onto old ways tightly (and for the preservation of a past that may not benefit the future), will unexpectedly be forced to re-assess their choices in big ways. In 2023: Saturn transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2023: 22º Aquarius 26′ to 30º Aquarius … This clash will be maintained at varying intensity into October, 2022. This particular square transit will occur two more times this year. The winds of change brought by Saturn in Aquarius will require us to persevere through periods of instability with patient wisdom while contemplating ways to act with the best interest of our wider community in mind. Before you grimace, the aspects do favor positive change for the greater good. It’s important to ensure that your mindset supports decisions based on the highest good for the best outcome, for all involved. However, Uranus has been moving through Taurus for a couple of years now. While the past year has exposed great inequities across society, we can utilize the combined strength of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius for devising ways to decentralize consolidation of power and redistribute resources so that marginalized people can gain greater access to the resources they need. Before you grimace, the aspects do favor positive change for the greater good. Jupiter will lend its support to Saturn while it shares the sign of Aquarius from December 19, 2020 until May 13, 2021 and then from July 28 until December 28, 2021. 2021. It’s a planet that brings big transformation and change. December 31, 2020. Since the lunar nodes will be in Taurus and Scorpio in 2022, there will be eclipses aligned with Uranus that also form a square aspect with Saturn that will intensify breakthroughs and breakdowns in events. Saturn will be making its transit in the twelfth house of the zodiac sign Aquarius and will remain posited here throughout the year. The most important aspect that Saturn in Aquarius will form in 2021 is a disruptive square aspect with Uranus in Taurus that will last for the entire year. More so than usual? Jupiter in Aquarius (December 19, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and then July 28 to December 28, 2021) and Business/Career Jupiter encourages a progressive approach to business during the course of this transit, with the emphasis on new thinking, progress, science, culture, the individual, community, and society. To see what to expect from this transit let’s review what Saturn and Aquarius stand for. The old taskmaster likes to spend around 2.5 years in each sign, complete with a couple of retrogrades just to make sure the lesson sinks in. Authentic Psychic Readings in Madison, WI – Ethical & Professional Clairvoyant. Saturn in Aquarius (conjunct Jupiter) will square Uranus in Taurus. Take a second look and see what may be more practical, or how you can reinvest your energy in smart and efficient ways. Saturn is the great teacher. 2021 Aquarius Horoscope: Saturn Transit. The energy crisis in Texas is one example of how this transit could be showing up, but it certainly can show up in your day to day structures as well. This square may create karmic challenges for folks that are becoming greedy and isolated from the concept of true community, in order to clear out the crud to ensure that those most in need are taken care of going forward. Saturn is a planet of structure and it’s currently in Aquarius. Saturn will be on its own in Aquarius without the company of Jupiter during 2022. Yes, even more so than the COVID and winter shoveling stuff? Jupiter also briefly dips into Pisces between May and July (see below). You will have a Saturn transit to your sun in 2021 if your birthdate is on: 21 January — 2 February This planet maintains it’s presence in a sign for about 7 years. Things that Uranus in Taurus will continue teaching the collective over the next several years: 1.Investing in alternative solutions (greener solutions, harvesting/harnessing growth in technology, abundant possibilities), 2.Transforming how and what we consume (food, energy, etc), 3.Taking stock in what you have and not throwing away what you can already make work (recycle, repair, refurbish, and appreciate), 4.Diversifying the concept of what we define as ‘beauty’. If you are naturally feeling tense from the recent energy building up this week….take things slowly and think things through, before making any decisions. Fear not. This Saturn transit 2021 … Freedom is restrained by responsibilities or those in authority and there are destabilising changes that will occur. The 1st square of the cycle occurred between 1999-2000, and the opposition between 2008-2010. They may carry a bit of shadow work, but if you lean in gently and embrace progress, things will be ok. The current Saturn-Uranus cycle started in 1988 (with the conjunction in Sagittarius) and will end in 2032 (with the conjunction in Gemini). Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). Slowly, this will help you redefine your place in the world, your image and life direction. Each date that Saturn forms an exact square with Uranus will create important turning points in storylines, as the tension between Saturn and Uranus will correlate with disruptive events that shatter old structures and force the development of innovative forms for recovery. Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius transit February 16, 2021. by Diamond Fire Astrology February 16, 2021. With Uranus around 14 degrees, we’ll see a gap or a reprieve around September through early November, 2021. Working effectively with Saturn’s transit through Aquarius will necessitate letting go of old perspectives so that we can refocus on new directions that will lead to needed reforms. The great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is initiating not only a twenty-year cycle that will define the next chapter in world history, but also establishing a new era of Saturn and Jupiter uniting in air signs that will last for two centuries. Now, it's heading back into the sign of the water bearer from December 17 … A major shift at the 29th Degree of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, showing a mirror of what is to come for the next three months, and then Saturn will go back from Aquarius into Capricorn. In 2021 Saturn will activate 1–13 degrees of Aquarius. On February 17th we will have our first big transit of 2021. How is Saturn's transit of 2021 different from other years? Their square is exact on February 17, June 15 and December 24, 2021. Saturn will enter its airy home of Aquarius on December 16, 2020 where it will remain until March 7, 2023. Check out more in-depth reading on tomorrow’s transit here. In 2022: Saturn transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2022: 11º Aquarius 56′ to 25º Aquarius 15′ In 2022, Saturn is retrograde from June 4th (at 25° Aquarius 15′) to October 23rd (at 18° Aquarius 35′). The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15, 2022 and the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8, 2022 will closely activate both Saturn and Uranus. Well, there’s probably a reason. Saturn transit in Sravana Nakshatra from 21 January 2021, Effects Saturn, the biggest, yet slowest moving karmic planet will be transiting in nakshatra (constellation) of Sravana (α, β and γ Aquilae) in Capricorn Sign (Makara Rasi) from 20:46 HRS … Saturn In Aquarius Transiting Your 2nd House. If we talk about Saturn transit, Saturn takes about 2 to 2 ½ years to travel one zodiac, which is approx 30° (thirty-degree) of transit. Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Taurus reminds me of a roller coaster at the local amusement park. Saturn enter Shravana Nakshatra on 21st Jan 09:35 pm ... Neptune starts moving forward in Aquarius on 1st Dec, 2021 06:40 pm Movement change at : 326.24 Mars enters Scorpio on 5th Dec, 2021 05:58 am. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Have you been feeling frustrated, or tense this week? It will affect everyone a little differently, so check your Saturn in Aquarius horoscopes to see which lessons, trials, and tribulations Saturn has … Saturn And Aquarius. While solitude pleases Saturn, the lack of Jupiter’s presence with Saturn in 2022 will bring a more austere influence from Saturn that will require us to be accountable in handling responsibilities and form mutually supportive communities. Saturn Transit 2021: Aquarius According to Saturn Transit 2021, planet Saturn will be sitting in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign and remain in this house for the whole year. From 11 th October 2021 Saturn becomes direct in motion and keep transiting in own sign Aquarius for whole of … Saturn will form its first square aspect with Uranus on February 17, its second square aspect while moving retrograde on June 14, and its final square aspect with Uranus on December 23. The state of TX has a long heritage tied to fossil fuels. Saturn is known as the lord of two zodiac signs, Capricorn, and Aquarius. The February 2021 new moon takes place on Feb. 11 in the sign of — you guessed it — Aquarius, and it could be considered the climax of the Aquarius … There’s a major transit arriving on Wednesday. A new world dawned in 2020. The major reason for this is Saturn's position in the solar system which is quite distant. The limits in place at the moment are very frustrating and hard work; depressing for… The transit of Venus will occur in the fixed sign of the zodiac Aquarius on February 21, 2021, at 2:34 AM and will remain in the same sign till March 17, 2021, at 3:12 AM. Saturn in Aquarius has less emphasis on contraction and creating physical boundaries than it does in Capricorn, as the air element is more active, mental, communicative, and open to new perspectives and sources of information. By 2021, we will have a clearer picture of what we will be expecting and how the innovations of Saturn in Aquarius will shift the entire collective for the next 30 years when it returns to this sign. Squares are a moment of tension (like when you’ve stretched the band of a slingshot before with launches).