Two years later, the shoe is back—this time in the form of a viral meme suggesting you can tell if you're right- or left-brain dominant depending on which colors you see. Twitter Left-Brained. Now a new argument has erupted that has shades of the blue/white dress controversy.. Case closed. posted by andraste at 7:41 PM on May 4, 2019 [4 favorites] “I don’t know how my brain did it. “When I first looked at the photo I saw teal and grey, and now I’m seeing pink and white,” wrote a particularly confused reader. People who see a gray shoe are being told by their brains that the light is white. Right And Left Brain DominanceAccording to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. This quiz might make your brain hurt. Your visual system may recognize that, and figure out what the original colours should be. It’s freaking me out.” The side-by-side definitely ruins it. The Dress: People who saw it as white and gold had more active brains, scientists claim. They are considered to be right-brained people. Left-Brained or Right-Brained? I don’t know what I would have seen if I had seen the unfiltered pic in isolation. So yes, they are actually pink and white. After sending the photo around the office, most of us are in agreement that the trainer is grey and aqua – with the exception of a few who see pink and white. People who see a grey shoe are being told by their brains that the light is white. It's the same with the shoes - your brain automatically assumes the colours based on past experiences and reads it back as either grey and teal or pink and white. @lorigreiner . People who see a pink shoe see a blue light in the background. Those who see pink and white, on the other hand? The left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain and is sometimes called the digital brain. Apparently, If the right-half of your brain is dominant, you will see a combination of pink and white, and if your left half is dominant, you will see it in grey and green color. You may begin to see the shoe pink and white and a few hours later you may see it grey and green. Claim: A photograph of a sneaker renders in pink and white or gray and green depending on whether you're 'left-brained' or 'right brained.' The science behind #shoegate explains why some people see grey and others see pink - and it has nothing to do with creativity 10:05am, 6 May, 2019 The difference depends on your sensitivity to light and how your brain is interpreting that light. The optical illusion first went viral three years ago and now it is coming back. Besides being a neat optical illusion, this meme is also fronting as a psychological test: many wrote that if the right-half of your brain is dominant, you’ll see pink and white; if the left-half is dominant, you’ll see gray and green. It is a terrible photo, with badly distorted colour, possibly due to the illumination. Language; Logic; Critical thinking; Numbers; Reasoning; Final note People don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. Tell us what you see," shows a laced up sneaker and seems like the internet cannot come together to agree on one colour. That's right, we're doing this again. Right? Answer: The shoes are pink and white! The activity seems to be determined more connection by connection. Earlier this month, this humble shoe went viral after people started debating whether it was pink and white or gray and teal. So the real question: Why does … It was one of the most fractious debates in modern times – by 2015’s standards, at least. Many, including Lizzo, are sharing photos with the sneaker stating, "Right and left brain dominant, if ur right brain is dominant, us will see combination of pink and white color, and if ur left brain is dominant, u will see it in grey and green color." Tens of thousands of votes later, "white and gold" had narrowly edged out "blue and black" by a vote of 53% to 47%. It’s better at things like reading, writing, and computations. Please tell me pink and white!” In the IFLScience office, the majority of us see the shoe as pale blue and grey, but plenty of people online have been reporting both colors. Created by Bruce Boyena On Nov 7, 2016 Left-Brained. It's also due to the poor lighting in the image. Return to your homes. In this case, the question is whether you see a pink and white shoe or a grey and green shoe. In this word test, you tended to see the word being written rather than the color of the letters first. Left brain abilities. NBC’s Today, it’s worth noting, reported that the footwear came from Vans, and were listed as “mahogany rose” (or, pink). She told Metro UK they are her friend's shoes, and the whole thing started when her friend's mom saw a photo of the shoes and complimented the "blue" hue. Try with ur loved ones, very interesting.” However, once I Googled, the “left brain and right brain” info, I … You tend to use the left side of your brain more than the right! Another visual illusion is ... while others — this reporter included — see it as white and pink. Already the office is divided -- I mean, surely the shoe is pink and white. Seeing the shoe as pink and white indicates you are right-brained, meaning that your right brain is dominant. Please tell me pink and white!” Since it was posted the photo has caused an intense debate, with thousands of comments being left by baffled users – and no one can seem to agree. If you see the shoe as gray and the shoelaces, sole and stripe as green or teal, you’re left-brained. People are arguing about a bizarre new optical illusion that sees a shoe appear pink and white to some - but grey and green to others. Those who fall into the former category tend to be emotional and creative, while the latter are more analytical and rational. The Dress has returned — and it could tell us about why people are able to see things differently What You Notice First In These Images Will Reveal If You're Right-Brained Or Left-Brained. The shoe on the left looks grey and aqua, the shoe on the right looks pink and white. The lace-up shoe has a strip down the side and is being held up to the camera, but it seems some people see mint green and grey, while others see pink and white. #SharkTank #LeftBrain #RightBrain ♬ original sound – Lori Greiner. “Right and left brain dominant, if ur right brain is dominant , u will see combination of pink and white color, and if ur left brain is dominant, u will see it in grey and green color. Answer the questions on instinct as quickly as possible to find out if you use the left or right side of your brain more! It felt like the second coming of The Dress debate from 2015, in which the internet could not agree on the true color of a bodycon dress. There seems to be two groups of people when it comes to the correct answer — some thing that the shoe is pink and white, while others says it’s grey and aqua. In the case of this image, our brain is also taking cues from the colour of the hand holding the shoe.