There is an active organization of the Special Olympics. Political parties: National Liberation Party (PLN), Citizen's Action Party (PAC), Libertarian Movement Party (PML), Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC), and other smaller parties. Since interest payments on the public debt represent as much as 30 percent of the spending budget, total debt is increasing, requiring ever larger amounts of public funds and limiting the ability of the government to spend in other areas such as health and education. public clinics and hospitals is poor, and there are long waits for medical appointments and procedures that tend to exclude those most in need. Ethnic groups: European and some mestizo 94%, African origin 3%, Chinese 1%, indigenous 1%, other 1%. In 1993 the government established the Costa Rican Institute of Radio Education in an effort to provide access to education to residents in rural areas. The law of 1852 repealed the exclusive role that the Catholic Church had played in education. Values of Latin American culture are evident in the great importance attached to family ties; a rather sedate, ritualized, conventional behavior; a yearly schedule of festivals; and an outwardly male-oriented and male-dominated society. About 4 percent of Costa Rica's Gross National Product (GNP) is spent on education, a rate comparable to many industrialized nations. . Costa Rica's economy emerged from recession in 1997 and is poised for relatively healthy growth for the near future. Air travel within Costa Rica is very inexpensive, and many vacation spots can be reached easily by air. Commerce and tourism: (52% of GDP) Hotels, restaurants, tourist services, banks, and insurance. They must, however, be abandoned or irrevocably surrendered for adoption. Infant mortality rates are 11.49 deaths per 1,000 live births. San José has few self-service laundromats. Many teachers had to work at second jobs. The nation has observer status in the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) and the Nonaligned Movement. Popular recreations are bird-watching, mountain climbing, swimming, water-skiing, and deepsea fishing. Safety and Security: There have been no recent acts of terrorism in Costa Rica. Costa Rica: A Country Guide. In recent years, Costa Rica has successfully attracted important investments by such companies as Intel Corporation, which employs nearly 2,000 people at its $300 million microprocessor plant; Proctor and Gamble, which employs nearly 1,000 people in its administrative center for the Western Hemisphere; and Abbott Laboratories and Baxter Healthcare from the health care products industry. In an effort to prevent international child abduction, many governments have initiated special procedures for minors at entry and exit points. For further information, travelers may contact the Department of Transportation within the U.S. at 1-800-322-7873, or visit the FAA's Internet website at of Health: Saenz , Maria del RocioMin. Autonomous state agencies enjoy considerable operational independence; they. Nestled in the highlands is the Meseta Central, with an elevation of 900–1,200 m (3,000–4,000 ft), covering some 2,000 sq km (770 sq mi) of fairly level, fertile terrain. In 1998, the Public Concessions Law defined the ways in which foreigners could invest in Costa Rica's public sector. It’s not the biggest bed size, but still big enough for two people to share the bed space and sleep comfortably. The Embassy of Costa Rica also maintains a website at Political subdivisions: Seven provinces, divided into 81 cantons, subdivided into 421 districts. Costa Rica has no military and maintains only domestic police and security forces for internal security. A few international universities, established by governments or businesses outside Costa Rica, have been established as well. Under the Protection of Children from Sexual Predators Act of 1998, it is a crime to use the mail or any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including the Internet, to transmit information about a minor under the age of 16 for criminal sexual purposes that include, among other things, the production of child pornography. boast of having more teachers than policemen and of not having a standing army since 1948. The GINI coefficient is an index of inequality that measures the distance between a perfectly equitable distribution of income and the actual distribution across the population. Primary and secondary education is free, and primary-school attendance is compulsory. FLAG: The national flag consists of five horizontal stripes of blue, white, red, white, and blue, the center stripe being wider than the others. When traveling by bus, avoid putting bags or other personal belongings in the storage bins. Drivers are commonly asked to produce a driver's license, vehicle registration and insurance information. Americans should walk or exercise with a companion, and should bear in mind that crowded tourist attractions and resort areas popular with foreign tourists are also common venues for criminal activities. In 2005, the economy expanded at an overall slower pace than in 2004. There are provincial boundaries for administrative purposes, but no elected provincial officials. A radio station from the Netherlands, Radio Hilversum, held a series of such workshops in San José open to all Latin American and Caribbean journalists. For further information, travelers may contact the Department of Transportation within the U.S. at 1-800-322-7873, or visit the FAA's Internet website at U.S.-KENYAN RELATIONS Graduate studies leading to master and doctoral degrees are available at the University of Costa Rica in a variety of fields, including biology, microbiology, philosophy, law, medicine, public administration, and education. Comisión Económica ParaAmérica Latina y el Caribe, 2000. However, trained personnel and equipment are lacking. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Visitors to Costa Rica must have passports and an onward/return ticket. In 2002, high technology exports by Costa Rica were valued at $1.146 billion, which accounted for 37% of manufactured exports. The Central Bank (Banco Central de Costa Rica), an autonomous governmental body established in 1950, issues currency, holds the nation's gold reserves, formulates general banking policy, and regulates commercial banks. The U.S. Government has made clear to Costa Rica its concern that Costa Rican inattention to these issues has left U.S. citizens vulnerable to harm and loss of their property. FOREIGN RELATIONS Ed.D. "Costa Rica Also, during most of the 1990s, the media in Costa Rica was becoming more aggressive in its interrogation of government officials suspected of incompetence, corruption, and influence peddling. Children’s Issues: For information on international adoption of children and international parental child abduction, see the Office of Children’s Issues website at Costa Rica has maintained connections with the United States, the EU, along with the other Central American states, through periodic ministerial consultations. Manufacturing and industry's contribution to GDP overtook agriculture over the course of the 1990s, led by foreign investment in Costa Rica's free trade zone. The principal marketer of Costa Rica's bananas is Standard Fruit Co. Corn, rice, potatoes, beans, sisal, cotton, citrus fruits, pita (used to make hats, baskets, and mats), yucca, vegetables, pineapples and other fruits, tobacco, abaca (hemp), and vegetable oils (especially African and coconut palms) are produced primarily for domestic consumption. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States, or, for callers outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. Several institutes specialize in tropical sciences, including the Organization for Tropical Studies in San Pedro, the Tropical Science Center in San José, and the Tropical Agronomy Center in Turrialba, as well as medicine, nuclear energy, technology, geology, agriculture, and meteorology. Colegio leadership argues that the body serves to create professional standards, minimize cultural imperials and protect journalists' rights. For example, enter "giraffe" and you'll 18 Feb. 2021 . Costa Rica's culture, like its racial composition, is relatively homogeneous. The United States accounts for over half of Costa Rica's exports, imports, and tourism and more than two-thirds of its foreign investment. Other provinces and their populations included Alajuela (607,486), Cartago (381,420), Limon (258,369), Guanacaste (268,172), Heredia (272,711) and Puntarenas (379,002). For more information contact: Director, David Lloyd Apartado 8184-1000, San Jose Telephone: 220-0719. Cahuita National Park, with its lush flora and fauna, contains the only coral reef on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast. Distance learning, using the British Open University model, was instituted. Revenue grew to $3 billion from $2.6 billion a year earlier. The Embassy of Costa Rica also maintains a web site at Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. I sing in a choir skelaxin or robaxin THE NUMBERS: The company reported net income of $1.23 billion, or $1.88 per share, compared with a loss of $1.84 billion, or $2.74 per share, in the prior-year quarter. Today Costa Rica has 22 private universities, but most of them have small enrollments. Children may also remain in the custody of a biological parent prior to formal relinquishment of custody before a judge. Accessed 14 February 2001. Irregular Land Registrations: Due to irregular enforcement of property laws, investors should exercise extreme caution before investing in real estate. Although infrequent, these acts can create inconveniences for visitors. About 69% of the population is nominally Roman Catholic; only about 40% of Roman Catholics are active members. ." About 18.9% of the national budget was financed by public borrowing. Major suppliers include the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Japan, Spain, Guatemala, and Germany. Jackets, sweaters, and a water-repellent windbreaker with hood also should be included in a child's wardrobe. Reform is also required to adjust accounting for the effects of inflation, which reduces the effective tax rates. Their website is located at ." Sources for housing mortgages include private funds, the Central Bank, the Social Security Fund, and the national banking system. The patterns of mortality and morbidity are similar to developed countries. Birth rates are at 20.69 per 1,000 people and death rates are at 4.31 per 1,000 people. The first special education school was established in 1939, the Centro Nacional de Enzenanza Especial Fernando Centeno Guell. More males teach at the secondary level and occupy administrative positions. Several dairies sell pasteurized milk and dairy products that are safe, but off-brand products should be viewed with suspicion. Costa Rica has no military and maintains only domestic police and security forces for internal security. In recent years, several Americans have been murdered in Costa Rica in urban, rural and resort locations. However, many travel agents and private companies offer insurance plans that will cover health care expenses incurred overseas, including emergency services such as medical evacuation. Students receive a certificate called a "Conclusion of Cycle" after grades three and six. In World Wars I and II, Costa Rica was a US ally, but not a military participant. An index compiled by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas (INCAE), the Harvard Institute for International Development, and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration shows Costa Rican infrastructure lagging behind that of other Central American and East Asian countries. The museum features an exhibit of locally produced handicrafts. London: Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 1997. The next 150 meters can be privately developed and occupied under five-to-twenty year concessions from the local municipality, provided the land has been zoned for the intended use. Although coverage is far from universal and the system is plagued by high rates of evasion, payroll taxes insure a majority of the working population and their families. Electric power to homes is subject to a 5% rate. Costa Rica is a small country, and many interesting areas can be visited in a day trip from San José. Article 151, which as it currently stands establishes some "exclusions" of responsibilities to people who have been accused. The country has 39 universities, including an open university. This is much higher than the level of expenditures in Canada (24.7 percent of GDP), the United States (21 percent) or the East Asian countries (10.4 percent), but is lower than the level in France (46.6 percent), Italy (44.6 percent), the U.K. (37.9 percent), Spain (36.1 percent), or Germany (32.9 percent). Following an economic crisis in the early 1980s, Costa Rica made significant progress toward macroeconomic stability, structural adjustment, and growth through increasingly diversified exports. Fines are not supposed to be collected on the spot, although reports of officers attempting to collect money are common. An antiquated infrastructure system results in treatment of less than 3% of the country's sewage and the possibility of infectious outbreaks near the contaminated lakes, rivers, and beaches where waste is disposed. The program now includes three full-time faculty members and other related faculty throughout the university. municipal council was responsible for the administration of his/her municipality. There is some forestry in Costa Rica but very little mining, although steps have been taken to exploit bauxite, sulfur, and petroleum. Arias has listed passage of the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), along with fiscal reform, infrastructure improvements, furthering education, and improving security as primary goals for his presidency. He had recently aired accusations about alleged fiscal improprieties at a local Catholic radio station, Radio María. Travelers can reduce their risk by keeping valuables out of sight, by not wearing jewelry, and by traveling in groups. However, it has become an area of aggressive growth through government stimulus. Medina's muckraking approach to journalism left him with many potential enemies. The coffee barons, whose growing prosperity led to rivalries between the wealthiest family factions, vied with each other for political dominance. The lowest rank is instructor, followed by assistant professors (profesor adjunto ), associate professors (profesor asociade ), and full professors (catedratico ). U.S. citizens can refer to the Department of State's pamphlet, A Safe Trip Abroad, for ways to promote trouble-free travel. The banana industry has been producing more than one million tons of bananas annually since the 1970s. Sometimes called the Switzerland of Middle America, Costa Rica straddles the mountain backbone that separates the Pacific from the Caribbean. While welcoming repeal of the desacato law, many Costa Rican journalists say it is a minor obstacle to press There are also nearly 70 private banks and financial groups operating in Costa Rica. There have been several sexual assaults by taxi drivers. Mild climate and trade winds make neither heating nor cooling necessary, particularly in the highland cities and towns where some 90% of the population lives. gov/family. The constitution of 1869 established free compulsory public education. Climate: Mild in the central highlands, tropical and subtropical in coastal areas. Costa Rica supports varied flora and fauna. This practice developed in the 1980s as people tried to protect Although he campaigned on a platform of liberalization, economic equality, and welfare reform, little change was accomplished. The Liberal Laws of 1884 provided for secular, compulsory, and free education. The country consistently supports the U.S. in international fora, especially in the areas of democracy and human rights. Santo Tomas initially focused on primary education: reading, writing, grammar, and theology. Many Americans in San Jose prefer to hire a live-in maid, as a convenience and as a deterrent to burglary, which is a major problem. The law reverted back to the 1949 Constitution, which states that ex-presidents may run for reelection after they have been out of office for two presidential terms, or eight years. Approximately 42% of the 2001 national budget was financed by public borrowing. U.S. medical insurance plans seldom cover health costs incurred outside the United States unless supplemental coverage is purchased. They use light blue cars or motorcycles equipped with blue lights. There are no provincial assemblies, and no elected provincial officials. The garment assembly and tuna processing industries are important. Routine passport applications by mail take up to six weeks to be issued. "S" Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008, telephone (202) 328-6628, fax (202) 234-6950, or from a Costa Rican consulate in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, San Juan (Puerto Rico), San Francisco, or Tampa. Its GDP per capita of $2,283 in 1994 was 55 percent higher than the next highest in the region, which was in Guatemala. Americans should walk or exercise with a companion, bearing in mind that crowded tourist attractions and resort areas popular with foreign tourists are common venues for criminal activities. . Agriculture accounted for about 9% of the GDP in 2004. Judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court of Justice, composed of 22 magistrates selected for renewable 8-year terms by the Legislative Assembly, and subsidiary courts. Country Day School: Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade; 800 students; classes in English. Reform would increase the number of such exclusions. Languages: Spanish, with Jamaican dialect of English spoken around Puerto Limon. The last major earthquake that caused considerable damage along the Atlantic coast was in April, 1991. The first private university, the Universidad Autonoma de Centro America, was founded in 1975. Costa Rica signed a bilateral trade agreement with Mexico in 1994, which was later amended to cover a wider range of products. Shoes, however, can be custom made for prices lower than in the U.S. A coordinating commission consists of the ministers of home affairs, education, and planning, as well as representatives from the Office of Higher Education Planning, and the rectors of the four state universities oversee the funding for higher education. Because of its great biodiversity the country enjoys a natural advantage in this sort of activity. From 1991 to 1999, industrial goods went from 49 percent to 77 percent of total exports, whereas agricultural goods fell from 51 percent to 23 percent, respectively. Persons violating Costa Rican law, even unknowingly, may be arrested, imprisoned, fined and/or expelled. Following the collapse of Iturbide's rule, Costa Rica became a member of the United Provinces of Central America in 1823. Hurricanes have also damaged the economy in recent years beginning with César in July 1996 that caused several dozen deaths and cut off much of southern Costa Rica from the rest of the country. ." The total public sector enrollments consisted of 28,336 students in 1974, or 100 percent of total enrollments. Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong system of constitutional checks and balances. In the Golfo Dulce rain forest of the southern Pacific coast, 135 families of trees embracing some 1,315 species in 661 genera have been identified. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. It is useful for American adoptive parents to notify the Embassy and the Department of State of exorbitant fees for adoptions. Prisons are overcrowded, but conditions are generally considered to be humane. Sean Gerrish. Controlling the budget deficit remains the single-biggest challenge for the country's economic policymakers, as interest costs on the accumulated central government consumes the equivalent of 32.1% in 2003 of the government's total revenues. Small repair shops in the city service appliances, stereos, and cameras, but the wait is long and the quality of the repairs is poor. The U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica is located in Pavas, San Jose, telephone (506) 220-3050/3939; the extension for American Citizen Services is 2453. The news station Radio Monumental is also quite conservative and reflects the right-leaning opinions of its owners. The same year, secondary school enrollment was about 53% of age-eligible students. Then-President Oscar Arias authored a regional peace plan in 1987 that served as the basis for the Esquipulas Peace Agreement. Upwards of 20,000 private American citizens, including many retirees, reside in the country and more than 600,000 American citizens visit Costa Rica annually. Costa Rica's capital city, San José, is located in the center of the country. The law provides workers with the right to join and form unions, although this is limited in practice. Joining the various clubs remains a costly proposition. In 2001 there were over 13,400 rooms available for tourists. ., "Costa Rica Squatters: Organized squatter groups have on occasion invaded properties in various parts of the country. Retrieved February 18, 2021 from Cartago's principal church, the Cathedral of the Virgin of Los Angeles, is the scene of annual pilgrimages. Costa Rica concluded negotiations with the U.S. to participate in the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (U.S.CAFTA) in January 2004. There have been allegations of fraud in connection with private adoptions, and the Costa Rican National Council on Adoptions strongly discourages them. Extreme caution is advised. In 1502, on his fourth and last voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus made the first European landfall in the area. A national organization, the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, is based in San José. Costa Rica has three main topographic regions. Today it offers 72 programs and has the largest enrollment of any institution of higher education. In 2005, approximately 6% of the population was over 65 years of age, with another 30% of the population under 15 years of age. Autonomous state agencies enjoy considerable operational independence; they include the telecommunications and electrical power monopoly, the state petroleum refinery, the nationalized commercial banks, the state insurance monopoly, and the social security agency. Several American citizens drown in Costa Rica each year due to riptides or sudden drop-offs while in shallow water. The Figueres administration (1994 to 1998) hosted several regional conferences including the May 1997 San Jose Summit involving the U.S. President and his counterparts from Central America and the Dominican Republic. Enrollment fee, $450; Annual tuition: kindergarten, $2500 1/2 day program; kindergarten, $3500 full day; prep.-5th grade, $4500; 6th-12th grades, $5300. This means that even U.S. citizen minors who are also Costa Rican citizens, and who might normally travel on U.S. passports, will be required to comply with entry and exit requirements applicable to Costa Rican children. of Finance: Carrillo , FedericoMin. 39.3%, Japan 5.1%, Venezuela 5.0%, Mexico 5.2%, China 4.8%, Ireland 4.5%, Brazil 3.4%. Majors include history, art, law, education, science, economics, dentistry, medicine, microbiology, social work, agronomy, pharmacy, and engineering. Although women remain underrepresented in senior government positions, progress has been made. "Software con calidad de Exportación." This limits the resources available for investments in the country's deteriorated public infrastructure. Cases of malaria have been reported in the coastal areas of Costa Rica that have altitudes of less than 2,000 feet at an increasing rate during the last few years. The constitution of 1949 had 13 sections pertaining to Education, including that a primary education of six years is mandatory, both primary and secondary education is free and funded by the government, and university education is supported by scholarships for needy students. Persons offered an investment opportunity in Costa Rica promising interest above that generally available may wish to check with the Costa Rican government's Super-intendencia General de Valores, which lists investment opportunities that are legally registered and authorized to offer investments. The president and 57 Legislative Assembly deputies are elected for 4-year terms. In effect, IAPA found that there was insufficient legal support for journalists to protect their sources, harsh repercussions for journalists who criticized public officials, restrictions on the free flow of information and censorship. The country had a per capita income (at purchasing power parity ) of US$7,100 in 1999. Until Medina's murder, La Patada was one of the most popular radio programs in Costa Rica. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that in 2003, the most recent year for which it had data, central government revenues in colones were c1,579.4 billion and expenditures were c1,691 billion. Real growth rate: (2003) 5.6%; (2004 proj.) International Coffee Organization. 1950-60s. Deputies may run for reelection after sitting out one term, or four years. The fastest-growing sectors were transport and communications. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. Traffic enforcement in Costa Rica is the responsibility of the Transit Police ("Transitos"), who are distinguished by a light blue uniform shirt and dark blue trousers. The teacher-training college, normal superior located in Heredia, was upgraded to the Universidad Nacional. The United States is Costa Rica's most important trading partner. The Embassy is open Monday through Friday, and is closed on Costa Rican and U.S. holidays. Descended from West Indian workers who began emigrating to Costa Rica in the late 19th Century, most Blacks live in the Limon Province on the Caribbean coast. The most liberal station currently broadcasting is Radio America Latina which has proved responsive to the concerns of the popular movement. Overall, the president remains the single most influential political leader, but the Legislative Assembly wields considerable power. If the police will not accept the report, as sometimes happens when only the passport is stolen, the traveler should in any case report the theft to the U.S. Embassy to help avoid use by criminals or other identity theft. These investments were carried out in free zone areas and their contribution to exports grew from 22 percent in 1991 to 60 percent in 1999. Household repair services are unreliable as well. Port Manteaux was created by Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 2008. . Higher educational institutions in Costa Rica fall into several categories: state universities, private universities, and parauniversities, both state and private. ... 1480. whorishly ecological mother nature is a slut..the truth behind biodiversity... Drayce (nature good) hey folks Extreme caution is advised. The agricultural sector, 29 percent, employs fewer numbers than the rest of Central America. For information regarding the DOD policy on specific carriers, travelers may contact DOD at (618) 229-4801. Costa Rican industry expanded in the 1960s and 1970s through government investment and protection. The unemployment rate was also stable, and remained under the 7% marker. Coastal land within fifty meters of the high tide line is open to the public, and construction on the next one hundred fifty meters inland is possible only with the approval of the local municipality. Costa Rica signed a bilateral trade agreement with Mexico in 1994, which was later amended to cover a wider range of products. Compiled from the January 2008 Background Note and supplemented with additional information from the State Department and the editors of this volume. Accessed 10 January 2001. However, some roads to beaches and other rural locations are not paved, and many destinations are accessible only with high clearance, rugged suspension four-wheel drive vehicles. Costa Rica co-sponsored the Resolution on Cuba at the 60th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights. c1 = $0.00209 (or $1 = c479.28) as of 2005. Private donations and separate municipalities provided the first support for primary schools. The major markets for Costa Rican exports are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Belgium. Subsequent agreements, supported by the United States, led to the Nicaraguan election of 1990 and the end of civil war in Nicaragua. Professional associations are also available. The deficit on capital accounts declined in the mid-1980s due to increases in capital investment from foreign loans and credits and favorable renegotiation of the foreign debt. In 1848, the Republic of Costa Rica was established. The Supreme Court is composed of 22 justices chosen for renewable eight-year terms by the Legislative Assembly.